ftp – Paraphrase Online https://www.paraphrase-online.com/blog Creative Writing Blog Wed, 13 Apr 2022 06:08:24 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.0.16 FTP – what is it? What does it do? https://www.paraphrase-online.com/blog/paraphrase-tool/ftp-what-is-it-what-does-it-do/ Wed, 13 Apr 2022 06:08:24 +0000 https://www.paraphrase-online.com/blog/?p=1846 Continue readingFTP – what is it? What does it do?]]> Most of the people who use the Internet on a daily basis must have come across the File Transfer Protocol, or FTP. What is it and how is it used? While it is said to be somewhat outdated, FTP is still very popular. Find out what the protocol is for and in what situations it can be useful.  

What is FTP?

FTP is a network protocol that is used to transfer files over the Internet between a computer and a server. This is one of the most popular and oldest methods of data transfer. Its origins date back to 1971. The creators of the protocol had the task of developing a solution that would allow sending, receiving and editing files in another system.

Currently, FTP is considered one of the foundations of the Internet. Website administrators and server owners know it well. The protocol is mainly used for the transfer and editing of website files. This means that there wouldn’t be many sites without it. It is not as well known as HTTP, but most of us have had contact with it, e.g. when downloading various applications.

It should be remembered that it is thanks to the FTP protocol that information flow, i.e. downloading and sharing, has become possible. Initially, its service was based on issuing commands in the console. However, it now looks a lot like using Windows Explorer. As already mentioned, FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, so in translation it will be a data transfer protocol. Although it is usually used to edit website files, you can also use it for other purposes, such as:

– private data sharing – one user sends certain files to the FTP server and then shares them with another person. This is done in a similar way as in the case of the Internet cloud,
– website management – via the FTP protocol, you can transfer files from your computer directly to the server on which the website is located.

In addition, there are people who use FTP as an introduction to learning. Thanks to it, you can get acquainted with the operation and handling of protocols, of which there are many, such as POP3, IMAP or SMTP.

How does FTP work?

It’s important to know not only what FTP is, but also how it works. To establish a connection, the user must be on one side and the server on the other. It is necessary to have certain permissions and credentials for file transfer to be possible. There are two modes of FTP connection:

– Passive – the FTP server opens the port and the user connects to it. The latter establishes the command channel (which is used to send commands and replies) as well as the data channel for transferring files.
– Active – the user is responsible for opening the port, and the server connects to it. The latter is responsible for setting the data channel, the user establishes the command channel.

Passive connection mode is usually set as the default in FTP programs. This is due to greater security. Often, using active mode is not possible due to the firewall operation in computers that block external connection. To establish communication with the server, the user must enter login credentials and open the command and data channel. Then it can move on to file transfer and reading.

FTP – how to connect and use it?

To connect to the FTP server, you need to enter some data. This:

– User Name,
– password,
– server address (often expressed as the website address),
– port number for connection (optional, when it is not given by default).

This data may differ as it depends on how, for what purpose and what exactly you want to access. In order to receive all the necessary data, it is best to contact the website administrator and ask for it. Another solution is to create a new FTP account, which can be done in a few simple steps. All you need to do is log in to the administrative panel of the server where the files are located and go to the FTP tab. The menu should include an FTP account or a similarly named tab, with the option to create a new account with read + write permissions. It is also possible to edit the password for an existing account.

There are many ways to establish an FTP connection, but the most common one is one of the following applications (referred to as FTP clients):
– FileZilla,
– Total Commander,
– Commander One,
– CuteFTP,
– Cyberduck.

Logging in to the program opens up all possibilities. FTP support is similar to managing files and folders in Windows, so it’s not a hassle. The user has access to options such as deleting, moving, modifying and uploading data to the server. Sometimes the main problem is finding a specific file location. This happens when there is a lot of different data on the server. If you use FTP to manage your site, it’s a good idea to back up all your content and move it to another location, for example to the cloud. This way you can avoid possible errors or unexpected crashes and file loss.

Is FTP safe?

By design, the FTP service is not secure. This is due to the fact that when it arose, the issue of cybersecurity was not as high-priority and widespread. FTP transfers are not encrypted, potentially giving hackers a chance to detect and intercept them. Most servers today do not support basic FTP. Instead, FTPS or SFTP is offered in the app.

The FTPS protocol works like regular FTP. The difference is that the sent packets are encrypted. Thus, it becomes difficult or even impossible to suspect data sent in packets. In turn, the operation of SFTP can be compared to an SSH connection to the server. Here, for authorization, public keys can be used instead of passwords. It is worth remembering that there is also a difference in the port used between the protocols mentioned. In the case of FTP it is port 21, FTPS port 21 or 990, and SFTP port 22 (although sometimes administrators also use different ones and change them to ensure greater security).

When using open-source programs, you may encounter the option of logging in and downloading files via FTP thanks to an anonymous connection. However, it is important to bear in mind that you are not entirely anonymous. Even if it is not necessary to provide data before connecting, in theory, an administrator can see who is downloading the files. It almost certainly saves user sessions, so it sees certain information, including IP addresses.

FTP – why should you use it?

FTP is a protocol that was created several decades ago, so it is already well known. It is still considered a good method of data transfer, even though online clouds and drives are more modern and offer access to many interesting features. Using this type of service is not troublesome, especially with popular applications. It should also be mentioned that the FTP protocol gives you access to several useful options. It is appreciated primarily for the ability to transfer many different files at the same time, although it is not its only advantage. It also allows you to schedule transfers, and even resume sending data when the connection is unexpectedly broken.

The important thing is that you can freely transfer files in larger sizes via FTP. It doesn’t take long and doesn’t put a strain on your computer. Often, sending an entire folder with photos or other data via e-mail or even a virtual cloud is sometimes difficult, sometimes even impossible. The FTP protocol allows you to solve the problem with the transfer.

Who is FTP a good choice for?

How useful is FTP and a server to handle files, you can see, among others when creating web pages. Thanks to this protocol, the transfer of many data is quick and without problems, which also affects the pace of work on the website. People from the SEO industry also use it. Access to the FTP server is needed to carry out all the assigned tasks and at the same time ensure the security of the website, i.e. make a backup. Then it is possible to make changes in the scope of optimization without any risk. The source files of the site can be managed from the level of the FTP server, they can also be edited. Other available options include:

– photo compression,
– URL redirection configuration,
– modifying .htaccess or robots.txt files,
– scanning for malware.

The use of FTP is also recommended for people who want or need to become familiar with how protocols work. It is the basis, after learning which you can move to more complicated versions and deepen your knowledge. In addition, the protocol will be appreciated by anyone who wants to be able to share files with other users, but does not want to do so through other available services.

It is worth noting that the programs used to establish FTP connections are mostly free. Some of them have such a simple interface that they can be successfully used by people who have not had contact with the described protocol so far (for example, Total Commander stands out). There are also special applications for more advanced users, which support FTPS and SFTP protocols and allow you to connect to multiple sources at the same time (their number can even exceed 100). This means that everyone will find the right FTP program for themselves, tailored to their individual needs and level of knowledge about the operation of the protocol.

FTP is most often used to manage and modify websites. However, it is worth bearing in mind that you can also use it to share files with other users, i.e. as an alternative to other data storage and transfer services. To establish communication between the FTP server and the user, an FTP client, which is special software, is needed. By comparing the available applications in terms of functionality, you can easily find the right one for a hassle-free FTP experience.
