plagiarism changer – Paraphrase Online Creative Writing Blog Wed, 13 Apr 2022 06:08:24 +0000 en hourly 1 Professional website positioning – what does it actually mean? Mon, 30 Nov 2020 06:38:03 +0000 Continue readingProfessional website positioning – what does it actually mean?]]> With a candle, you can look for a customer who would not like the positioning service of his website to be at the PRO level. In a situation where the Internet provides the opportunity to obtain basic information on SEO along with (better or worse) hints on how to implement it yourself, a specialist must offer something more. So what is this unique PRO element that makes it worth entrusting the website to experts and paying for this service? What does professional SEO mean in practice?

Professional website positioning functions on several levels. This concept is not strictly assigned to SEO agencies or freelancers. In fact, regardless of the cooperation model you choose, you will hit right or wrong. What does “hit well” mean in this context? What distinguishes professional website positioning?

First of all … experience and professional SEO!

An experienced SEO specialist has already seen many pages. As a result, it is easier for him to spot errors, assess their impact and significance for the effectiveness of positioning, and develop a strategy. It is not about a misunderstood routine and the use of one developed template when creating a positioning strategy that does not take into account the specificity of a given website, individual arrangements with the client, his expectations, limitations related to the possibility of modifying the website, etc. Experience is associated with the knowledge of the specifics of, for example, various CMS stores and engines, their strengths and weaknesses, limitations, modifications and optimization. This experience resulting from working with many websites – “years of practice” – will increase the probability that it will be a professional and mutually satisfying cooperation.

Second… the ability to say no

A professional SEO specialist is not afraid to say no. Information from customers regarding their expectations, experiences with the positioning service, key elements of the offer are very important and will be useful for the positioner. Good communication increases the chance that the customer will be satisfied. But what to do in a situation where the customer’s idea or his expectations for the service are unrealistic, impossible to implement, exceeding the assumed budget or harmful (even potentially) to the website? The professional will not be afraid to inform the client about it. The apparent consent on such hot spots is usually a harbinger of future problems that will be much more difficult to deal with in the future. It is also worth remembering that the best agencies and freelancers are not under a drip and simply will not take on topics for various reasons hopeless just to squeeze out of them as much money as possible and few effects.

Third … realism in action and evaluations

This point is indirectly related to the characteristics of an SEO professional presented in the previous sections. Knowing at the start, among others customer expectations, budget and possible readiness to increase it can propose actions and solutions that take into account these elements and will at the same time give a satisfactory effect. The reaction of the client who hears at the very beginning that reaching the desired goal will take an estimated minimum of 6 months with certain assumptions (here you can insert information about the pace of approving changes or content development on the website) is different from that resulting from over-optimistic messages like ” after a month you will be satisfied ”.

Fourth … collaborates with other people involved in the project

It is not uncommon for an SEO specialist to be able to demonstrate the ability to communicate well and cooperate with people who do not necessarily know the specificity of the services they provide. In short – they don’t say “positioning”. Popular situations in which such contact occurs include the implementation of changes to the website in terms of programming, providing recommendations on how to prepare a new website in terms of SEO, how to create valuable content supporting the positioning process, etc. Depending on the situation, the SEO specialist must be able to convey your message to programmers, creators of a new website, people from the marketing department or the “boss of all bosses” in the client’s company. The real art in such a situation is to find a common language, communicate and convince your point of view communicatively.

Fifth … is not afraid of a conscious and educated client

Knowledge about SEO and awareness of how it works – there is an upward trend in this regard. We do not hide that, as, we attach our hand to this trend, which deserves the most positive assessment. Our SEO lessons or blog entries are the contribution of Paraphrase-Online Team to SEO – education jug. We know that our clients like it and bring them closer to the specificity of the positioning service. Of course, the positioning service is not the same as an SEO course, but our experience shows that a client who is even at a basic level and equipped with actual knowledge, and not a set of myths about positioning, is a support for a specialist who cares about the high positions of the website. Professional website positioning also means taking care of the client’s knowledge.

Sixth … looks holistically at the website promotion process

Positioning is often one of the elements of a larger puzzle, which is website promotion on the Internet. It is relatively rare that a website is promoted in only one way. Therefore, it is worth talking to your client more broadly about his idea for promotion, about what he uses and what results it brings. For example, if in the case of an online store we propose to rebuild a category, it would be worth taking into account how the Google Ads campaign is conducted. The proposal to create a 404 page should take into account not only SEO issues, but also act as an incentive to stay within the site and look for something else from the current and available offer.

Seventh … it solves problems instead of multiplying them

Let’s be honest: perfect SEO services don’t exist. The vast majority of websites that we later come up with require at the start of the implementation of corrections and changes in terms of SEO – smaller or larger, depending on what case we encounter. The matter is simple: websites are created not only for the highest possible positions in Google, but about the presentation of the offer, increasing the number of customers, etc. These goals sometimes conflict with each other, so it is important to work out a compromise that will be accepted by all parties. A customer who likes their one page site may find it easier to accept the suggestion that the new pages should be listed in the menu at the bottom of the page. A similar situation will be the one in which we are dealing with a website without category descriptions, due to the fact that the customer primarily wants to display products belonging to this category and who will not accept the idea with a content block at the top of the page. Although it is a place preferred by SEO specialists to publish content, having the choice of the client’s disagreement for this location, and the compromise placement again at the bottom of the page, the choice becomes simple … The same is with the “read more” button, which does not it inspires the admiration of an SEO specialist, but it is a better solution than giving up content entirely. The role of the positioner is sometimes to propose something of a compromise if the best option cannot be implemented due to the lack of acceptance for such a plan. Of course, there are situations in which it is impossible to find a solution acceptable from the SEO point of view, reconciling both points of view. It is worth informing the client about this approach to the wall. After all, he is not an SEO expert and does not need to know what the consequences of his decision are for the success of the SEO process. Perhaps a simple and honest statement of the matter will convince him to change his mind.

Eighth… not to be pressured

If you are looking for a method of promoting your website that will bring instant results and you hope that SEO will provide them for you, then… you may be disappointed. Of course, there are cases of websites where meta tag optimization was enough to be happy and to be in the top 10. Such instant routes to the top, however, are a minority of cases. When this path begins to lengthen and at the same time puts the endurance of the customer to the test, using the immortal slogan “add more links“, you may be tempted to follow this path to keep the customer happy, or at least temporarily gain peace of mind. However, is this the best solution? Everyone should answer this question for themselves.

It is the positioner (or a team of SEO specialists) who is responsible for the strategy and plans actions in terms of its likely results. It is not surprising that during the term of the contract there are changes in the strategy, the effect of which is an intensification of activities for selected keywords – for example, for those that are not yet in the top 10. This approach makes sense, as opposed to changes implemented for the sake of peace. Patience pays off – website positioning is the cheapest method of acquiring new customers in the long run.

Ninth… ends the cooperation with the class

Not every SEO contract is extended – that’s a fact. There may be many reasons behind such a decision. However, it is worth making sure that the customer does not feel disgust after the breakup. Indexing the website from the search results, damaging it, placing links on it leading to other pages, risking manual punishment from Google… there will be some potential gimmicks in the SEO world.

It also happens that the client, not knowing the specifics of SEO, expects to maintain certain activities also after the end of the contract, and their failure to do so causes indignation. An example may be the links that the SEO specialist acquired for him during the term of the contract. It happens that the client thinks that they will stay with him permanently. To avoid such unpleasant situations, it is worth determining at the very beginning what will happen with the optimization, content added to the website or obtained links, whether they will be removed or will remain as a permanent effect of the positioning agreement for a given website. Clear arrangements in this regard will allow you to avoid unpleasant situations and negative opinions of a bitter or simply angry customer. Professional positioning of websites is therefore also the art of saying goodbye.

Website positioning and website builder tools Thu, 03 Sep 2020 05:46:07 +0000 Continue readingWebsite positioning and website builder tools]]> A website is an essential element for all companies that want to gain new customers and communicate with them on the internet. The online business card performs the same functions as the traditional one – it is a carrier of basic information about the company’s activity and contains contact details. The advantage of a company website, however, is the possibility of a broader presentation of services – a detailed presentation of your offer and examples of implementation, and building your image as an expert in a given field. The presence on the Internet also allows you to attract customers in a more dynamic way – through profiles in social media and with the help of seo, also in search engines.

Creating a website can, however, be a heavy burden on the budget of young companies. The basic cost of the site consists primarily of the price of the domain and hosting as well as the work of the graphic designer and developer. Another cost is the time that you need to spend to find the right technologies and even prepare content, graphics and photos. The choice of solutions that do not require the involvement of external specialists is associated with the need to increase the time required to prepare the site. However, website creators have limitations that can prevent them from gaining customers effectively. Let’s take a closer look at popular solutions and consider when building a page with the help of a creator will pay off, and when we should, however, choose other solutions.

Website Builder – what is it and how does it work?

Website creators are a kind of computer program that allows you to create a website without knowledge of HTML and CSS, not to mention other languages. Creating a page from scratch, we choose the background color and add further details by selecting a specific element from the available collection. The graphic design we created and the background content added in it are rewritten into the language understood by web browsers. Boom – the website is ready.

The main principle of website creators has not changed substantially since the appearance of the first program of this type. Modern versions, however, have much greater capabilities and faithfully stick to the principles of creating pages and Google guidelines. Modern solutions allow in some cases to run seo processes and effective positioning of websites created with the help of one of the currently popular creators – Wix, Squarespace or wordpress Elementor.

Website creators from 10 or more years ago offered very limited customization options, and no one thought about adaptation to mobile devices or positioning.

Website creators – where did their popularity come from?

Website creators allow you to quickly create a functional website. Depending on the advancement of the creator, they allow you to modify ready templates, add colors, icons, and format text. Thanks to these solutions, creating a website does not always have to be associated with high costs. Most creators provide some functionality for free or in the form of a subscription – and the price of such is much lower than the fees associated with the work of a graphic designer and programmer.

An additional advantage of creators is their friendliness to non-technical users. Services like WIX present the functionality of their program in an accessible way and help you build your dream website step by step. The tutorial and the ability to prepare the site according to your own vision (limited only to the choice provided by the platform) allow you to start the promotion even on a very limited budget and … do not require the involvement of developers.

The number of platform users that have enabled the creation of their own website in recent years has begun to grow – in proportion to marketing efforts undertaken, among others by Wix, Weebly or Squarespace, which sponsors a whole range of Youtubers. Wix deserves special attention here – the advertisements of the website could be seen during the last few Super Bowl games, and they took part in, among others Karlie Kloss, Jason Statham and Gal Gadot.

Pros and cons of website builders

It can not be hidden that the independent creation of websites is quite popular. Is it, however, a universal solution? Let’s look at the pros and cons of such programs:

– costs, a definite plus of creators is the ability to build a site after the so-called “Costs”, which I mentioned earlier. Part of the functionality is available for free, some for a fee or as part of a subscription, which can be terminated at any time or with a monthly notice period;
– intuitive navigation, adapted to the skills of non-coding people – pagebuilders do not require their users to know about coding pages, language skills and rules for creating websites. Website creation is done by means of graphical navigation – drag & drop or selection of subsequent options from the drop-down list of available elements;
– security – one of the biggest problems associated with having a website is to provide yourself and your guests with an adequate level of protection for their data. When using the creator, the responsibility for the tightness of the solutions used remains with the creator of the service;
– time – if you believe the ads, taking a page will take about the same as a break from work. In fact, choosing the right options and template and making the final decision about the appearance will take a few hours. Still, it’s a lot less than creating a page from scratch;
– all-in-one – modern creators are solutions that allow you to create a page from scratch and in one place. This includes not only the site design itself, but also domain and hosting issues;
– help – the platform user (depending on the subscription paid) can benefit from extensive support – guides, tutorials and consultants. Thanks to this, building your own website becomes quite a pleasant experience.

lack of full freedom in creating the page – the number of templates and solutions to use the site – depending on the plan – is limited. Additional restrictions are also technical issues of the platform. Moving subsequent elements can be partially blocked, and adjusting their size very time-consuming;
slow, heavy site – if in recent years page builders have made a great step towards optimization for speed, some of the solutions still leave much to be desired. Another problem is the limited or complete inability to modify the page code. This creates unnecessary lines of code, e.g. by creating unneeded nests and enlarging the DOM, which Google Page Speed ​​Insights points out as one of the reasons why websites slow down. Too many unnecessary elements that could be described in a more optimal way are the risk of more rejections for mobile device users with a worse internet connection;
Restrictions resulting from the plan or application – e.g. the ability to create up to 10 subpages, the ability to use only a few additional applications, restrictions on adding links on the site, etc.
Lack of possibility to fully optimize the page – the lack of access to the code prevents full optimization under search engine guidelines, and thus – restrictions related to ranking, among others on Google. More about positioning on creators in a moment.

There are more pros than cons? However, this is not a confirmation of the universality of the solution which is page builders. It all boils down to the purpose for which we create a given website and what we want to include thanks to it.

Positioning and website creators – a bumpy relationship

Website positioning created on Wix or Squarespace platforms is one of the most controversial topics in the SEO world. Most specialists still remember the times when the creator in principle prevented any optimization of the website. The problem was, among others, the inability to set a unique <title> for the subpage, creating friendly addresses, or even adding the Google Search Console code to the <head> section. Modern platforms are more seo friendly, but they still do not enjoy much sympathy among positioners. Why?

Inability to fully optimize – Optimization under seo guidelines is content and code activities. While adding content and saturating them with keywords should not be a problem, technical optimization is the way it is. The appearance of the given elements on the page is important for the user, however, wishing to conquer SERPs you should also pay attention to how the site is seen by network robots.

During positioning, it is necessary to change the content, among others titles, descriptions, headers. Creators of the type Wix or Squarespace allow you to add your own elements from this range – all changes are made via the panel. Interestingly, Wix still promotes adding the meta keywords tag and filling it with about 10 keywords, which in the positioning environment is considered unnecessary archaism. The meta keywords tag has no longer fulfilled its original role for years and is de facto redundant on the site.

Adding more advanced elements, e.g. schema tags, goes beyond standard services.

In the case of Squarespace, adding schema tags requires modification of the page’s <head> – pasting the generated code in the right place. Here, basic basic knowledge of html structure will be useful.

In this situation, Elementor seems to be the best solution – it works with popular wordpress plugins intended for SEO, e.g. Yoast SEO. However, there is still the problem of too large DOM – excessive number of nested elements that delay rendering of the page.

Unsociable seo technologies – One of the problems Wix had to deal with for some time was generating the page “on the fly” – with the help of JavaScript. As a result, the site content was virtually invisible to robots. Currently, the situation has changed – both Google has made a big step in “dealing” with JavaScript, and Wix has put greater friendliness in the solutions recommended by Google.

Unsatisfactory speed test results – In recent years, Google has significantly increased the focus on adapting websites for mobile devices and for fast rendering also for slower connections. If you look at the results of speed tests of pages made using the selected creator, it is easy to say that speed demons are unfortunately not.

The biggest problems include unused code fragments and too large DOM. These elements can be modified, provided that we have access to the code.

Here you should do justice to the creators indicated above – most of the solutions actually try to keep up with trends and implement on their platforms photo optimization and formats preferred by Google, code minification and prioritizing loading of the most important elements of the page.

The problems we encounter when trying to position websites on Squarespace, Wix or built using Elementor, however, do not completely eliminate the chances of building visibility in Google search engine. There are other factors at stake – first and foremost the purpose of creating the page and the niche that the site is about.

Wix, Squarespace, Elementor … solutions for special tasks

Website creators make it easier to appear in the virtual world, but they do not quite prove themselves as professional websites for larger companies targeting competitive industries. We can talk about increasing the visibility and positioning of pages on Wix, Squarespace or other creators in the case of small, local businesses. The condition here is the use of more extensive subscriptions that allow access to advanced site modification options.

The solutions proposed by popular page builders will work to build a page from an amateur photographer’s portfolio or a page that will contain basic information about a service closely related to the local operation, e.g. a community day-care center for children. Positioning a site built on the Squarespace or Wix creator, whose ambition is to search for keywords like “New York dentist” may not be effective. In this case, making a lighter page – e.g. on WordPress, with the option of connecting an external system for booking visits, will pay off. Full access to the website’s code will facilitate optimization under current Google guidelines, and the possibility of facilitating registration of patients from the website level will significantly improve the calendar of visits.

Finding the perfect solution that will allow you to mark your position in the search engine and compete with larger players requires appropriate research and time expenditure. In this case, saving on technologies and choosing a “cheaper” solution may block the possibility of further development.

You cannot deny the universality of solutions such as page builders, but you can not put an equal sign between them and success in search engines. Seo adaptation promoted by Wix and Squarespace is primarily the ability to preserve the basics of seo activities, i.e. care for content delivery, the ability to set titles and descriptions, and the ability to connect your own domain and codes to GSC. However, positioning activities are much more than that – technical optimization requires changes that are simply not possible with subscriptions to page building platforms.

So who should you recommend such solutions to? First of all, businesses that do not have the ambition to compete in the race for the highest positions in SERPs. The website on the platform is a solution for those who target inbound traffic from social media and based on searches with the brand name or paid advertising. A website based on WIX or Squarespace will be perfect as a portfolio for young photographers, models and companies that base their content on photos and gain most contacts through activities, e.g. on Instagram.

Popular website creators

Wix – allows you to create pages using a graphical creator based on drag & drop activities. We create a page based on templates that we can use to use the editor to suit our needs. The creator allows you to create a page for free, but editing the page is limited, and our site will display ads. The extension of functionality is possible in one of several subscription plans.

Positioning your site on Wix – the creator allows you to add individual titles and descriptions for each page. Extended optimization is available thanks to the Wix SEO Wiz application, which guides you step by step through the basic activities related to online visibility – including adding Google Search Console code.

Squarespace – just like WIX, allows you to build a site based on a template related to the theme of the page. Here, however, we create and modify elements without dragging them on the side. There are 4 subscription plans available, and the larger the amount, the more possibilities of creating a page.

Positioning on Squarespace – all basic optimization elements are available – you can set titles, descriptions, URLs and even redirects. However, users complain that the positioning modification options are scattered across the platform and finding them is not always easy.

Weebly – as in the case of other popular options, also here the site is built using drag & drop. The creator, however, does not allow full freedom in arranging elements – it imposes the size and arrangement of elements, according to the selected template.

Positioning on Weebly – as with other programs, Weebly allows you to enter seo-essentials – titles, descriptions, and even altos. There are also no problems with adding codes necessary to control the page. The program also automatically generates the sitemap.xml file.

Elementor – WordPress plugin allows you to build a page in the drag & drop system, with the help of which you can create the entire layout of the site. Its definite advantage is the multitude of options that allow you to create an unconventional page. The feature-rich free version allows you to create a fully functional website .. The PRO version allows you to better adapt the design to your needs and work with other WP plugins, e.g. WooCommerce, i.e. tools for online stores.

Positioning on Elementor – creating a page with the help of a creator increases its volume. Elementor, however, prides itself on the speed of his solutions. With the help of other wordpress plugins (Yoast SEO, All-in-One SEO) you can perform quite satisfactory optimization.

Conversion – what is it and how to increase its ratio? Mon, 25 May 2020 05:28:37 +0000 Continue readingConversion – what is it and how to increase its ratio?]]> Online stores should work on optimizing conversions. This conversion turns ordinary users into customers who buy products or order a given service. If you run a business online, then the conversion rate should be significant to you.

What is a conversion?

A conversion is an action that converts a passive user into an active one. Conversion occurs when he makes a purchase, is interested in the service, clicks on the link or subscribes to the newsletter.

Properly selected and implemented conversion ultimately translates into profit, not only for stores and websites, but also online training conducted by specialists who want to make contact with a potential customer and sell their knowledge via the Internet.

What is conversion then? It is a process that occurs when you manage to attract the user’s interest – through entries, the appearance of the page, text, graphics, newsletter. The idea is to attract recipients who will stay for longer and become not only temporary visitors to the site, but active users and clients. If you expect such effects at home, then take care of proper optimization and positioning of websites.

What is the conversion rate?

A conversion rate or indicator is a term that describes the number of conversions that have taken place on the number of visitors to a page. The result helps determine the page’s effectiveness and the number of visitors who have made purchases or otherwise responded to the conversion goal.

Conversion Goals

Goal conversion is an important strategic element that will allow you to create website or online store assumptions and optimize your website. It will help determine the strategy of action targeted at the given target group. Set conversion goals will help turn users into active customers.

Conversion goals can vary – depending on your company’s business profile. The goal in the online store will be to finalize the purchase, for websites – the customer using the service or simply establishing a relationship with the company (e.g. by contact or newsletter). The goal of the conversion is not just a one-time visit. We want the user / client to remember the page, stay on it as long as possible, use the offered service, but also to come back and make further transactions.

What goals can the conversion have?
– Purchase made by the customer,
– The user will remain on the page as long as possible,
– Returning to the site,
– Registering customer account,
– Subscribing to the newsletter,
– Leaving your contact details,
– Filling out the form, statistics, surveys, studies,
– Clicking on the banner advertising made available on the website,
– Watching the movie on the site,
– Viewing and clicking graphics and infographics, downloading them,
– Going to subpages within the website,
– Customer sharing e.g. of an article or product on social media,
– Downloading free graphics, pdf files or e-books that are available on the website.

Conversion goals are set in Google Analytics, and individual elements are implemented through Google Tag Manager.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is all actions on the website that are to improve the overall conversion rate. This will ultimately translate into the purchasing process, contact with the customer and his later return to the site. Conversion optimization should be preceded by setting goals, determining who is the recipient of the content, services or products that appear on the page. Appropriate optimization is to achieve these goals and adapt the appearance and content of the site to the needs of the client/recipient. The final result is to be a satisfactory conversion rate. Conversion optimization is also called the CRO strategy and aims to improve on the website all elements that will help achieve the intended goal.

CRO should be combined with SEO optimization, because organic traffic and increased activity on the part of the recipients increase the chance of conversion. In addition, Google’s crawlers take into account behavioral factors when indexing a page. Conversion optimization combines with SEO and web analytics, User Experience (UX) and SXO, so these aspects should be taken into account when implementing goals.

The site’s appearance and functionality adapted to the recipient

User experience – the first impression is important. The appearance of the page, its intuitiveness, accessible functions and general design affect the positive user experience, which allows you to decide on the purchasing process. Pages that do not have interesting graphics, their service is unclear, they do not display well on mobile devices – they will generate a low conversion rate. Therefore, it is important to work on optimizing user experience (SXO) that affects conversion.

Clear and intuitive page – each of the elements on the page should work properly, the purchasing or contact process must be clear and concise. Users may not be distracted by pop-up advertising windows or functions that are out of order. Even if he made a choice and put products in the basket that interested him, he will not complete the purchasing process if the site in the last stage is suspicious for him. The website must be useful, well-structured with a clear menu and appropriate navigation. The clear interface makes the user want to stay on the site.

Minimalist look, clear messages – a page that contains too many graphics, screaming banners or bright colors will cause overstimulation, and a potential customer will not want to stay on it. It is worth using clear messages, e.g. about discounts, promotions, new offers that are striking. Website design trends show that websites that are transparent and intuitive, with bright colors and concise messages work best.

The target group – the appearance of the site, offer, content, graphics or photos – all these elements must in terms of content and design reach a specific target group. If customers’ needs are not specified correctly, it will negatively affect the conversion rate.

Page loading speed – a site that takes a long time to load or does not display some subpages will generate a bounce rate and thus will not convert. There is a risk that an impatient user will leave the site if he doesn’t see the home screen quickly.

Safe, fast and convenient shopping

Encrypted SSL protocol – security certificate definitely improves the comfort of staying on the website, and in the case of SSL online stores it is even necessary. This element also affects trust in the brand and affects the sense of security of the user who is to leave his data on the site.

Online feedback – positive feedback increases reliability and trust in the company. The user is more willing to use the services of an enterprise that has good opinions on the web.

Cross-selling and up-selling – cross-selling and complementary sales are other factors that are designed to maximize profits. It is worth introducing such an option in the online store and proposing additional or similar items to the customer, but for example with a higher and lower price range.

Simplified purchasing method – a user who already decides to buy should go through this process as soon as possible. The icons that tell the client how many steps he will have to complete to complete the transaction work well.

Expert position, building brand reliability and efficient communication with the user

Industry content – the position of an expert increases credibility, but also helps the customer make the final choice. Expert blog content not only builds the content that is needed for website positioning, but also provides industry knowledge, dispels doubts, enriches with new issues and enables you to make a choice (e.g. through an article on the topic on which saw to choose). It is worth sharing knowledge on your website. Users can get to the site through keywords and queries that have been included in the content, and if they like the text, they are likely to share it, e.g. on social media. Content can greatly increase the conversion rate.

Unique content – content cannot be copied from other sites. Content on the page must be unique. It is important to know how to write SEO texts so that they are accessible to users and search engine robots. This is an important element not only of conversion, but also positioning of the page. A site with an internal and external duplicate will lose the trust of users as well as crawlers. Create consistent and targeted content, share knowledge, and personalize product descriptions. Think about what content the recipient can expect and what knowledge to gain from it.

Optimization of photos – it is important to have good photo titles, especially to correctly describe the alt attribute. In addition, photos should be encouraging and allow a thorough view of the product from all sides. At the same time, the graphics must be optimal in size so that they do not slow down the page loading speed.

Video – a short film about a company, product, assembly or how it works, is another factor that affects website conversion. Video placed on the site with some products may affect the final purchase decision.

Header optimization – not only for valid h1-h3 markings, but also for naming. Do not use summary information in product titles and names. Article, category or product description should be properly written using key phrases, long tail and product specification.

Communication – a quick and comprehensive answer to customer doubts helps to increase the conversion rate. In addition, real-time communication (live chat or Messenger) generates a greater number of satisfied customers who return to the store. According to research conducted by, as many as 79% of customers prefer live chat because it offers an immediate response. However, as many as 92% of users are satisfied with the level of service, and 63% of consumers return to the store that provides such a way of communication.

There is no one good way to optimize and thus increase the conversion rate. Each time you need to adapt it to a given page, think about what the potential customer expects from it, what can interrupt it in making the final purchasing process and what to do to change it.

How to measure the conversion?

Google Analytics is an indispensable tool for creating goals and measuring conversion effects. Through this tool you can analyze whether the implemented optimization elements give the desired results in the form of new customers and completed purchasing processes. Measuring conversions should include analyzing user needs, implementing them, and correcting what is not working properly.

With the help of this tool you can specify:
– how many people went to the homepage,
– how long they stayed on the site,
– what and how many pages the user viewed at that time,
– what actions did it perform on the site.

Reports from Google Analytics will allow you to analyze the quality of the page and tell you if you will need to implement new facilities on it that will interest the user and lead to a conversion resulting in the purchase or use of the service.

A / B tests

This is another way you can see if your conversion rate is increasing. The A /B test involves creating two versions of the page, in which the interface, layout of graphic elements and content as well as the overall design are different. Then it is measured and analyzed which version attracts more recipients. A/B tests can be performed in Google Optimize, which allows you to edit and correct HTML code, Javascript rules or cascading style sheets (CSS) – without the help of programmers. This tool allows you to later test different variants of the page. The conversion of A and B pages is also measured via Google Analytics or tools that track customer traffic on the website (heat map website).

How to increase the conversion/conversion rate in the online store and on the website?

The basis for increasing the conversion rate is setting goals that minimize the effect of empty traffic (i.e. short visits to the site that are not profitable). What is the reason for this situation? That the customer did not find what he was looking for on the page. He could have been addressed to her via keywords, but the content and products ultimately did not match his expectations. Work on every detail of your website – headers that will reach a specific target group, a category tree that should be legible with overall consistency and credibility. Find out what other ways are there to increase conversion on your website or online store.

Newsletter – it is worth encouraging the user to subscribe to the newsletter. A good way to convince him of this is a bonus, e.g. a discount for first purchases or a free e-book with practical knowledge. It’s worth using the tool to create personalized emails here.

Choice of payment and delivery – customers have their own preferences regarding the choice of payment and delivery methods. It is worth providing some of the most popular options on the site.

Call to action – visible buttons calling to click work well. They can be placed directly on the page or in the text (also in the form of internal linking).

Graphics and infographics – illustrating the purchasing process, graphic category tree, photos that make the product seem more tangible – these are the elements that affect the conversion.

Banners promotions and sales – clear and legible messages about discounts and promotions available on the site encourage potential customers to click on them and take advantage of the promotion.

Social media – consistent actions on social media (matched to the business profile), builds reliability and increases the brand’s position in the eyes of the customer.

Web push – web push notifications are small pop-ups that engage the user. It is also a way to generate leads.

Countdown clock – countdown clocks, which, for example, counts down the time to end the promotion, increases the user’s sense of uniqueness and transience of an attractive offer, which speeds up the purchasing process.

Exit Pop-up – a pop-up window appears when the customer wants to leave the site. The banner that appears at the time of exit should arouse interest and keep the potential customer for longer, e.g. through a discount on purchases, if he subscribes to the newsletter.
