reword generator – Paraphrase Online Creative Writing Blog Wed, 13 Apr 2022 06:08:24 +0000 en hourly 1 The greatest value of artificial intelligence comes from the fact that it can already act on its own, work for us. Expert on the AI revolution Mon, 23 Aug 2021 06:56:42 +0000 Continue readingThe greatest value of artificial intelligence comes from the fact that it can already act on its own, work for us. Expert on the AI revolution]]> Artificial intelligence is gaining more and more importance in everyday life. What can the digital mind do today and how to use its possibilities in business? What prospects does it open and what threats does the development of AI bring? These questions were answered by Ignazio Zubek from the Grossberg Group, which provides proprietary analytical tools for the business and public sectors.

He can listen to natural language, respond to inquiries, independently, make decisions, stay awake around the clock. Replace a salesman, director, accountant and even a policeman. Artificial intelligence can be used on many levels. How to use it in practice?

How to explain to people who do not follow news from the world of technology on a regular basis the scale of progress made in the field of artificial intelligence?

Ignazio Zubek: Let’s start with the fact that the history of artificial intelligence is much longer than the last 5-6 years, during which we actually hear much more about its use. In the past, artificial intelligence has faced serious barriers. Only ten years ago, such a big barrier was the technological one, related to the limitation of the amount of data that can be processed. Machine learning models are as smart as the data we provide them, which affects the effectiveness of AI. What has happened in the last ten years is, above all, the dynamic growth of the available computing power. For example, GPU systems are used, which are commonly used in processing computer graphics, or, recently, for “mining” cryptocurrencies.

Therefore, artificial intelligence can do much more than just a few years ago?

Yes. Artificial intelligence can do more today, it is more accessible, more advanced. There are very large computational possibilities. Barriers related to the possibility of building deep neural networks or processing large amounts of data have largely disappeared. The largest neural networks learn data in terabytes. This is amazing progress.

Does artificial intelligence already resemble human?

We are at the moment when it can be described as getting “smarter”. He can imitate people better and better, he understands us more and more. But that doesn’t mean, of course, that we’re out there in science fiction scenarios. Artificial intelligence cannot answer every question. Only that does not mean that there has not been gigantic progress in this area. It’s worth checking out, it’s a text paraphrase tool that works on the basis of artificial intelligence and it does it very well!

How to use artificial intelligence in practice?

The use of artificial intelligence is very wide. One of the essential aspects where it helps is communication. Research shows that consumers who use internet services often have a problem to find information on the website, product or answer to a question. Many customers choose services that allow you to quickly ask a question and get an answer just as quickly. Artificial intelligence is irreplaceable here.

Any examples?

For example, mobile applications in electronic banking or shopping applications. More and more banks and shops are choosing to use natural language recognition technology. This has its reasons. The number of functions and products that we can put “on top” in such a mobile application to make it friendly, in line with trends, is simply limited. Artificial intelligence in this case actually bypasses the barrier related to the graphical user interface.

And customers like talking to robots?

I think sometimes we don’t even realize now that somewhere when we connect with the support department, we are actually talking to an artificial mind. But even if the use of robots is not profound, but only serves to gather information quickly, that’s fine too. It helps entrepreneurs, employees and clients. And, importantly, it is available 24 hours a day. Whoever uses the services of banks, telecommunications and energy companies has repeatedly found out about the convenience of this round-the-clock readiness.

And what does the Grossberg Group offer its customers in this respect?

We provide solutions that allow you to build a “tailor-made” robot, tailored to your needs as much as possible. Our software allows you to build – whether on your own or with our help – a bot that, firstly, implements a client-defined scenario of activities and secondly, they understand the consumer’s intentions, thanks to the natural language we use when we write or speak.

Tell me more about this technology.

Our tools are based on natural language. So I can write a sentence like “I would like to send a transfer”. And using the Natural Language Processing procedures as one of the artificial intelligence techniques, the bot will recognize individual parts of speech, sentences to catch what may be the object of interest, i.e. making a transfer.

Artificial intelligence can not only listen and understand, but most of all analyze. So it can become the guardian of our interests. How?

Tools created by Grossberg Group that use artificial intelligence are actually great at detecting threats. They can detect unknown patterns in behavior. This is the case for detecting card, payment and invoice fraud. It is about situations in which we receive different invoices that really relate to one product, service, aspect. Without our solutions, there is a risk of paying such an invoice twice. Ordinary systems don’t recognize this.

And here lies the greatest strength of artificial intelligence. It replaces the human.

Of course. After all, there are companies where one employee processes several hundred payments a day. It would be difficult for him to “manually” verify such cases.

What else can your tools detect?

In a very large foreign enterprise, we detected wages paid to employees who had not been employed there for a long time. Artificial intelligence can also work great inside the company. In our experience, similar problems have been exacerbated by the pandemic. The issue of holidays, benefits, subsidies. There are many irregularities here that our artificial intelligence can detect.

Is artificial intelligence a good worker?

Dreamed! Artificial intelligence ensures high availability. He doesn’t have to take time off, take coffee breaks, or go into quarantine. It allows you to personalize your communication. And depending on what we know about the client, the more effectively we can communicate with him, because the needs will differ. Artificial intelligence can learn all this: what my client is interested in, what he watched. Our tools can not only suggest what decisions to make, but also make them on their own. Send a dedicated offer, propose a product, a discount. The greatest value of artificial intelligence comes from the fact that it can act alone, work for us.

Are there any areas where artificial intelligence should be used with caution?

Ethical issues are very important. AI tools used in medicine are not yet perfect enough to be used without human supervision. Artificial intelligence makes decisions based on data, and a data error can be dangerous in this case. The same goes for the judiciary, insurance, all social matters. Artificial intelligence, even with good intentions, can be misused. For example, due to incorrect or incomplete data.

The Grossberg Group acts ethically in this respect. How?

The responsibility of companies like ours is that customers have the opportunity to see how this AI works, what exactly it does with the data, and how it uses it. A comprehensive system built on artificial intelligence must provide the ability to verify that everything is functioning properly.

Blog promotion – how do you go about it? Thu, 16 Jul 2020 05:37:39 +0000 Continue readingBlog promotion – how do you go about it?]]> The blogosphere is growing in strength and is constantly gaining audiences among different age groups. It is estimated that the most popular bloggers earn up to a million dollars a year from their activities, becoming at the same time a kind of online celebrity. Bloggers, vloggers, instagrammers, influencers – these are people who reach their content with recipients through various channels. They promote very different content: from entertainment, fashion, lifestyle to expert. There is no doubt that blog is a very important medium of modern marketing and broader media coverage.

Not every blog is the same, because the light, entertainment content promoted by popular influencers is different from those posted on store, company or expert blogs. In the first case, bloggers and vloggers want to gain the largest number of so-called followers who will ensure their popularity, publicity, viewership and, as a result, earnings. Companies and services, through blog content placed on the site, attract users who can become their potential customers. However, in both cases there are several rules on how to effectively promote your blog.

How to start a blog?

Only a dozen or so years ago, the blog was associated with a kind of online diary, through which users shared their thoughts. Today, blog is a powerful marketing tool that positively affects the position of a page in the search engine. As a result, you can earn on consistent and consistent blogging activities. Blog is an important medium of communication with recipients – not only for the popular blogosphere, but also for e-commerce, companies and services that promote their activities on the web.

However, each time – regardless of the industry – the fundamental task is to set goals that you want to achieve by running a blog.

Friendly platform – whether you are the owner of a store, a company promoting various services, or a lifestyle blogger, your blog should not be visually deterrent. Transparency and clarity, which is enriched by good photos, is half the battle to keep the user on the blog.

Who is the recipient of the blog? – this is one of the most important questions you must ask yourself before starting your creative activity. It is for a specific group that you have to adjust the content and the way of communication that will be most attractive to them.

What are the recipients looking for – bet on strategies, think about what entries will be the most attractive for your group of recipients, what they can search on the web, what phrases to enter to find interesting entries.

Social media – a profile in Social Media is an important medium for building relations with the recipient: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and even Linkedin – depending on the industry and the group of recipients create a profile that will be a kind of communicator between your website and the user.

Read and watch the competition – your blog is just crawling, you expect quick results after a short time. Promoting your blog effectively is a labor-intensive and demanding task. It is worth – especially at the beginning – to observe the actions of the competition, its way of communication with the user and the way of blogging.

Thematic niche – if your business that you want to promote on your blog belongs to a so-called thematic niche, then be sure to use your unique knowledge and promote it on your blog. This is an opportunity to share expert knowledge of the topic that will be important to users.

Blog promotion – how?

How to successfully break through with your blog, in the jungle of such powerful competition – this is a question many are asking. The nature of the blog is of great importance here – whether they are traditional entries, vlogs or a social media channel. The purpose of the blog is also important. It is currently necessary in e-commerce, in agencies, services and companies that have the chance to gain new customers through blog entries. Online sales are steadily increasing, and business owners must constantly seek new ways to attract customers. A unique product at a good price is one thing, but the user must still find it. A blog is a great place to promote your activities and services, subtle definition of the company profile, but also to share substantive, industry knowledge.

Valuable content – the content contained on the site are the most important when successfully promoting a blog. In e-commerce and services, content should be consistent, closely related to the company’s operations, but also specialized in its message. The content on the blog must respond to the user’s needs through queries and key phrases that he enters in the search engine. If a potential customer of an online shoe store wants to buy shoes for a winter expedition to the mountains, then your blog text should thoroughly answer this question through an article, for example with the heading: “Winter shoes in the mountains – which to choose?”. A user who hits the post and is content about its content can automatically decide to buy this footwear in your store.

Do not treat these entries with disdain, share the knowledge available to you, do it in an exhaustive, substantive way so that the client feels that you are a specialist in your field. Write a text you would like to read yourself and which will answer your questions as a potential customer.

Does the length of characters in the text matter? Of course. The expert text should have a minimum of 6,000 characters with spaces, and the longer the text, the better. The content on the blog cannot bore the user, which is why they should contain reliable, specific information – necessarily enriched with relevant headlines, key phrases, bold and bullet points. The reader will then not be tired of reading the content, and in addition will be able to pick out the issues that interest him.

Remember that despite having, for example, social media, your blog will “live” mainly thanks to the search engine. And if so, they have all the guidelines associated with the traditional positioning process when building it.

Remember to enrich the text with photos described by the alt and title attributes. Images on the page not only increase the attractiveness of the text, but also affect the positioning of the page.

Accurate and thought-out headlines – popular titles and subheadings, marked with the character from h1 to h6, are indispensable elements in any text. They significantly affect the positioning of the site and thus promote the blog. Headlines must match key phrases and queries that a potential customer can enter on Google, such as “How to promote a blog.” Avoid in the titles of insignificant wording that will not lead the crawlers to your text and thus do not push blog content to a higher position in the search engine. Catch the micromoments, i.e. answer the user’s questions such as: what, how to do, I want to know.

Track current trends – in every industry, contemporary trends that guide potential customers in making the final choice are important. Blog trends are important in terms of content, popular topics and top issues. Keep up to date with what’s going on in them, for example through social media.

Comments, forums, other blogs – be in constant interaction with the user. Respond to comments or participate in other blogs and forums, but provide valuable content and conduct substantive discussions so that the administrator does not recognize these activities as intrusive self-promotion.

Systematics and consistency of actions – the first entries are optimistic, but the lack of quick effects effectively deters from further actions. Do not worry about the initial, poor results. The positioning of valuable content on the blog can take up to several months. It is important to create content systematically and reliably, because it affects the positioning of the page.

Effective promotion of a blog is a time consuming and demanding discipline and consistency in action. Many are discouraged when they don’t see the results after a short time. Blog promotion is not only your own entries, but also tracking trends, responding to the needs of users, sharing in forums and comments, being active in Social Media and searching for new, valuable and unique topics for subsequent entries.

Search engine optimization plays a significant role. They can be made effective by expert content, relevant headlines, key phrases and queries, images with alt and title attributes, internal and external linking, and consistency of actions, which is appreciated by indexing robots.

Effective email marketing Thu, 21 May 2020 05:22:18 +0000 Continue readingEffective email marketing]]> Have you ever been nervous about the number of messages in your email inbox? Did you get angry at SPAM, senseless newsletters and content they presented? Probably so. Despite this, many marketing specialists still recommend mailing as an effective form of advertising and show data according to which newsletters increase sales. How do they do that Do you also want to use effective email marketing? In that case, we invite you to read the article – we will show you what it is and how to create a newsletter that will knock your customers to their knees and provide you … profit!

Mailing vs. SPAM

An incorrectly prepared e-mail may go to the SPAM folder. To distinguish valuable emails from spam, spam filters use a special algorithm. They take into account, among others:

– message length,
– email content (pornographic content, including sex keywords, 100% free),
– graphics to text ratio,
– the number of recipients,
– message subject.

Of course, spam filters also take into account other factors, but these are the most important of them. Then the algorithm gives each of them a certain number of points – when they exceed a certain threshold, the message goes to the SPAM folder.

It is impossible to say unequivocally how exactly these algorithms work and what to do to prevent the message from being sent to spam. Spam filters are being patched and improved on an ongoing basis, and the algorithm is changing rapidly due to the active activities of spammers and data scammers.

According to data from the Paraphrase Online Team, as much as 57% of mailing messages go to spam. How can your newsletter not share the fate of badly written emails?

Make your email marketing effective!

Maintaining customer satisfaction is key to any business. The more satisfied the subscriber to your newsletter is, the more likely you are that he will not automatically delete your messages. Notorious deletion of messages may result in some newsletters being classified as SPAM. What’s more – some users, irritated by mailing, mark it as spammy messages themselves. How can you increase the delivery of your emails?

– Group recipients and make sure that you provide tailored offers.
– Send only offers that realistically meet the needs of your subscribers.
– Do not spam. Choose your newsletter shipping time carefully and try not to send it too often.
– Encourage clicking before opening.
– Don’t keep subscribers by force – let them unsubscribe from the newsletter.

Effective email marketing: 7 simple rules for success

Encourage action before opening! We’ve examined 10 billion messages. Our report shows that emails with topics containing 1 to 3 words get the highest Open Rate, i.e. the rate of message openings. Short titles are more interesting and usually stand out from the rest.

Remember to change the number of words in the message from time to time. Recipients quickly get used to specific forms. Surprise them!

Check who opens your emails!

The most popular systems for sending newsletters will show you who opens your emails. Why send a newsletter to people who haven’t opened a single email from you in a year? Make sure that the list of subscribers includes people who are actually interested in what you send them. Divide customers into target groups – segment!

Subscriber segmentation is the basis. First, divide your customer base into specific target groups, and then, based on data analysis (e.g. user activity), select groups that: regularly read your messages, click on the links you send, can become your potential customers (e.g. based on historical data). On this basis, match the content of emails to the behavior of specific groups of recipients. Also remember to group your recipients by email hosting providers. Only in 2019, more than one billion new accounts registered on Gmail. All because the advertisements there are unobtrusive, effective and very effective, and the system perfectly filters SPAM.

You can group customers based on: purchases made from you, active opening of messages or information they have left by subscribing to the newsletter (gender, age, education).

Use the data that recipients have shared with you – personalize it!

Subscribers can leave a lot of data about themselves when subscribing to the newsletter. In addition, e-mail marketing systems will provide you with further data that you need to analyze to run effective e-mail marketing. These are among others:

– deliverability,
– openness,
– CTA click rate.

On this basis, you will determine which target groups are dormant leads and which will come back to you for shopping (for such people it is worth preparing something additional, such as discounts for regular customers) or simply like reading messages from you, but do not click links. In addition, demographics alone will provide you with enormous knowledge about your subscribers.

Based on the collected data, personalize titles, content, graphics and CTA. Anticipate what particular groups may like, as well as use data from nationwide reports on the purchasing behavior of individual segments. Thanks to this, you’ll more effectively meet their needs and tastes and preferences.

Write simply and succinctly but also catchily!

The modern recipient is tired of the number of messages and information that surround him. Try to limit the content and graphics in your messages – provide subscribers with the most important information that may interest them. However, try not to do it too intensely. Limit the message to one or up to two important pieces of information. Three or more different information can prevent the recipient from remembering the most important thing you wanted to tell him.

Remember to keep the shape of the letter F when arranging information in the message. The modern recipient mostly scans the text, and according to research conducted by dr Philip Benson and David St Clair from the University of Aberdeen, the reader’s eyes follow the track, forming the letter F.

Give your subscribers free

Give something to your most loyal subscribers. These can be unpublished tips, graphics to print or discounts. Give them something that will make them feel special and make your newsletter prestigious. Remember, however, that the more people get such freebies, the less prestigious the newsletter will be. First try to honor some subscribers this way (segmentation will be useful here).

Test campaigns and analyze effects

Testing your mailing campaigns is an absolute must if you want to run effective email marketing. Check before sending that all elements of the message are displayed correctly and that there are no errors in the content. Check what messages look like on devices with different screens (laptops, smartphones, tablets). Create several versions of the same message and send it to different groups, and then save subscribers’ reactions to individual versions of the message. Check the Open Rate indicator and click-through rate of messages and links in the body of the email. Low OR may indicate that the message was qualified as SPAM. It can also mean that the title did not encourage subscribers to open the message. In turn, low click-through in CTA may mean that you need to change CTA because it doesn’t encourage you to act.

Pareto principle.
Use the Pareto principle. According to her, 20% of workload generates on average 80% of profits. Translating this into effective email marketing and subscribers, it is easy to calculate that 20% of regular customers who are subscribed to the newsletter can give you as much as 80% of profits from email marketing. So let’s save the addresses of people who regularly click on links and buy from you to reward them for loyalty (segmentation and prestige).

Do you already know how to do effective email marketing?

Effective email marketing is based on 7 main activities, thanks to which you have the chance to create a list of valuable leads.

To increase your mailing profits, you must first of all remember to segment and personalize the message content. In addition, make sure that the recipient can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. Test, analyze and do not be afraid to experiment with the appearance and content of your emails. Maybe one word will actually prove to be the key to success to increase OR and click-through rate on links? Or maybe your recipients prefer standard message titles? You will learn all this by using tests and analyzing the results.

Be creative, but do not overdo it with information overload. Try to contain the maximum information in the minimum content. Try new things, and don’t be afraid to give your subscribers so-called giveaway – in thanks that they are loyal to you (you can find out by checking data from mailing systems). Try to stand out as well as respond to the needs of target groups that you have created within subscribers as much as possible. Well, analyze, analyze and analyze again. Be creative, but do not overdo it with information overload. Try to contain the maximum information in the minimum content. Try new things, and don’t be afraid to give your subscribers so-called giveaway – in thanks that they are loyal to you (you can find out by checking data from mailing systems). Try to stand out as well as respond to the needs of target groups that you have created within subscribers as much as possible. Well, analyze, analyze and analyze again.

Ideas for free gifts for loyal recipients: dedicated, short articles that will not be published anywhere else, earlier access to the new offer, graphic designs for self printing, dedicated offers, dedicated discounts and vouchers, invitation to a special action, invitation to ambassador/testing.

Google Shopping – Who and why should reach for this type of advertising? Mon, 30 Mar 2020 06:01:23 +0000 Continue readingGoogle Shopping – Who and why should reach for this type of advertising?]]> In recent years, product advertising, proposed by an IT giant, has evolved greatly, offering owners of online stores ever newer and more effective promotional solutions. It is a response to the needs of modern consumers, to whom graphic content than text content definitely easier and faster. It is therefore a solid argument to take a closer look at this form of advertising.

Google Shopping – what’s that?

The Google Shopping platform, and more specifically the Product Listing Ads (PLA) service, i.e. product ads that began to appear on the right of the search results. The photo, store name and price were displayed, and after clicking the selected ad the user was redirected to the product page. This service could be compared to a price comparison site, which was now available in Google search. Currently, the user has access to the entire Google Shopping tab, and there are definitely more products in the ads. You can filter or sort them by price.

A condition of implementing product advertising is conducting a shopping campaign in Google Ads. The promotion is targeted based on the attributes from the data file in the Merchant Center, and the photos are added to the advertisement from the prepared database. Product advertising is paid on a CPC (Cost Per Click) basis, i.e. when the user clicks on it.

Product advertising – for whom?

This type of advertising is designed for online stores from almost every industry. Thanks to it, it is possible to promote not only physical but also intangible products, such as software. It is worth remembering that, as in the case of other Google Ads campaigns, advertising of alcohol or medicines is prohibited here. A full list of prohibited content can be found on the Google support website.

Shopping campaign benefits

A properly configured shopping campaign is currently one of the most effective methods of generating sales for online stores. Thanks to the graphic form, it stands out from the background of text ads and, as a result, is attractive to Internet users. Viewing a photo and product prices from the search engine level significantly saves time searching the range in stores – the advertisement is always up-to-date, so it displays only available products.

The Google Shopping campaign allows reaching users who are already at the final stage of the purchasing process, because by entering a specific product name in the search engine they count on finding places where they will be able to buy it. The advertisement directs them directly to the product card, which contains the details of the offer and from which they can complete the purchase.

Integration with Google Merchant Center allows you to launch dynamic remarketing, which by displaying product data on banners reminds users of products that have recently been viewed in the advertiser’s store.

Google Shopping – Not For Everyone?

The Google Shopping campaign convinces online store owners for many reasons. It seems particularly attractive mainly because it allows you to present the product in the photo from the search engine. The statistics of our campaigns also show that the results achieved by these campaigns, as well as the confidence of online stores in this advertisement, are increasing.

However, before you decide to launch your Google Shopping campaign, there are a few important things to consider.

The first important issue is price competition. If you are not the only distributor of the product, check whether the price you offer is attractive compared to other online stores, and if it is higher, you can explain it somehow. However, the price is displayed right next to the product in the Google Shopping advertisement and gives you the opportunity to compare, without having to look at the pages of individual stores. If the customer enters the specific product name they are looking for in the search engine, naturally, the offer with the lower price will arouse the most interest.

The second important thing is the inability to match your audience to your ad using keywords. In the case of a shopping campaign, Google decides when and for which Internet queries the ad will be displayed. Before launching the campaign, it is necessary to send a file with information about products – their names, prices, individual parameters, etc. Based on this information, Google selects from among our products and products of other stores belonging to the same category the one that will be advertised. Therefore, the Advertiser has no influence on which queries of Internet users his product will be displayed (only after it is displayed in response to a query entered in the search engine is able to see it), as well as in the environment of which products it will be displayed.

And the last important issue is the problem of displaying products from different shelves side by side. If the customer enters the search query: leather men’s shoes, the results may include both designer shoes from the designer and those from a regular chain store. The visible at first glance difference will of course be the price, which in product ads has the most significant impact on customers’ purchasing decisions. Therefore, if you offer unique products, you must be aware that in the case of Google Shopping campaigns, their value may not be noticed and they will be compared with mass products.

Considering the above, you certainly understand how IMPORTANT ISSUE is the optimization and proper management of the product file from which Google derives information about products. You should not be afraid of all this – a properly built product file, combined with a budget sensible for a given campaign, will succeed.

Google Shopping – summary

A properly created and constantly optimized product advertisement will bring satisfying results to both small stores and large stores with an extensive range. Finally, the team would like to mention a slightly different but related issue. If you use product advertising, your products are displayed via CSS – i.e. price comparison websites. Not so long ago, the only comparison website that had access to the Google advertising environment was the Google comparison site.
