Auto paraphrase – Paraphrase Online Creative Writing Blog Wed, 13 Apr 2022 06:08:24 +0000 en hourly 1 SEO texts – what is it? How to write them and… what for? Fri, 21 Jan 2022 06:28:06 +0000 Continue readingSEO texts – what is it? How to write them and… what for?]]> Even the best designed website, with spectacular graphics, will not reach the top of the popularity of the Google search engine (or any other search engine!), If we do not invest in SEO texts. What is it? How should they be structured? How often should you post them on the website? Write them yourself or outsource them to an agency? We answer these and many other questions with the publication below. We invite you to read.

The times when the company’s website was displayed in TOP10 “by itself” are gone forever. Business has moved online, overwhelming virtual corporate sites with the weight of competition. What to do to ensure yourself a good position and overtake other rivals in the fight for the highest positions? Among other things, positioning activities, including the aforementioned SEO texts, can help in this. How to write valuable content that will be appreciated not only by our audience, but also by Google robots? We have our own methods and we will be happy to share them with you. Fire up the engines and off you go!

SEO texts – what is it?

With the old, good (and how!) Habit, we start from scratch and provide answers in the so-called telegraphic shortcut. SEO texts – what is it? Nothing else than content supporting the optimization of a website for queries from a popular search engine. Why is it worth investing in them? Because they translate into traffic that results in a broadly understood conversion (time on the website, shopping, newsletter subscription or direct contact with the seller / service provider). How to recognize them? Good and well-written content is no different from high-quality product or marketing content. And finally – how to handle them properly? First of all, with sensitivity. Below, we’ll expand on the topic and explain why moderation and balance are especially important when it comes to SEO content.

SEO texts are substantively valuable content, provided in a tasty, but well-thought-out form in terms of optimization effects. Texts on SEO services are created mainly with the needs of the recipient who is looking for various types of information online, including about the product or service. Properly written and equipped with the weapon of phrases and headers, the SEO text is primarily designed to raise the site to a high position in the search engine, attract the user to the site and interest him enough to stay on it, draw knowledge from it and actively use the information provided. , e.g. by clicking on the links provided. The substantive content of the text and the language layer (style, correctness, fluency) must build a credible message that meets the recipient’s taste and needs.

SEO articles need to be optimized to make it easier to read – for both humans and robots!

What are these treatments for? We’ve already mentioned it, but it’s worth doing it again. Well, in order to gain and maintain a high position in the search engine ranking, intensify website traffic and gain a chance for a happy ending of the transaction process. Put simply – to stay ahead of the competition in the race for podium places and increase sales.

What does this mean in practice? How is it done? Let’s go deeper into it …

A quick guide for writers

When it comes to SEO texts, the rules of “breaking the scheme” are unlikely to work here! In their case, we have clearly defined guidelines on how to write to do it well. Below are the golden rules of writing for SEO that are worth printing and hanging over your desk. And then assimilate and use in practice!

A. Write to people
Anyone who has tried to deal with SEO texts at least once knows that the line between formulating a message for a “live audience” and creating content suitable for Google robots is really thin. It is not only about touching topics that are interesting to potential customers, solve their problems or arouse interest. It is also the clarity of the message and its appropriate form.

By over-focusing on keywords in the text and trying at all costs to put as many as ok as we can find in a fat broth, we will have a counterproductive effect. First of all, hardly anyone can get through it. The retreat will also be done by Google robots, which will give a poor evaluation of the presented content. To sum up – by flicking the text with SEO phrases without moderation, we make ourselves (if we write for our own use) or the client (if we write on request), or more precisely – we damage the website.

Bonus …

What not to do?

Among other things, not to use clichéd texts such as “We are one of the largest organizations in the World”. After reading such a text, the recipient may only say: “Well?”. Think about the benefits and create a message from this perspective.

B. Flirt with keywords
We deliberately used a moderately professional-sounding verbal nomenclature. However, we wanted to draw attention to the need for delicacy in their use in SEO texts. It has to be tactful and with sensitivity. Let’s get down to business.

If you want to know what people are “reading” about, check out Google Trends. For free you will receive information on what Internet users from all over the world are looking for.

Before starting to create an article, be sure to check which phrases you are able to “stand out” and what the recipients are really looking for. You can use the Keyword Tool or AnswerThePublic for this purpose. It is worth not to limit yourself to the main phrases only – those with “Long Tail” (called Long Tail Positioning) have great potential and often allow SEO to more easily follow a given query. It may turn out that they will also consume significantly less resources (financial and time) in the entire process. However, remember that SEO texts are not everything! What else is worth spending your energy on?

Good advice…

If you want to use 100% of the power of key phrases, include them in eye-catching and entertaining titles and headings in your text.

C. Pay attention to form …
Do you have the gift to put words into sumptuous “bouquets”? Your description of cotton pads written in flowery language reads with more commitment than some of the items available in bookstores? This is already half the battle! Add keywords to it (e.g. our agency has created a paraphrasing tool and it is worth having such a slogan also appear in our articles), make sure that the SEO text is properly formatted. All kinds of bolding important points, italics, highlighting the most important parts of the text or bullets – everything is included! Thanks to this, we will gain greater transparency of the content, emphasize the most important things and make the work of Google robots more pleasant. And they can repay you.

D. Head is cut off for copying content.
Possibly hands. If someone, after this emphatic statement, does not yet know how to write SEO texts – we explain. DO NOT duplicate the content. We understand that not everyone has to be Tolkien. If the words do not flow out from under your fingertips like gusty torrents, you can always outsource your SEO texts. The price list is determined individually by the agency. If you decide to work directly with a copywriter, the author will create a price list for SEO texts based on:

– the specifics of your industry,
– “substantive input” delivered,
– the number of texts (and the basic unit of account – characters with spaces) included in the ordered content package,
– your experience,
– suggested date of material return.

If writing is not on your way, investing in professional SEO copywriting will be the best solution. Forget about copying excerpts from your competitors’ entries. Why?

First of all – texts obtained through CTRL + C, CTRL + V, and those that come from different websites and are glued together into one language monster hastily, usually it is impossible to read without realizing that something is wrong. And with what word will you greet your recipients, this is how they will perceive you for a long time. This rule also applies to spelling and punctuation correctness. Sometimes one comma changes everything!

Second – you will get a ban from Google robots. It is not difficult to figure out which content appeared first. Are you a thief? You will get the paws, nose and … other parts of the body. More importantly – you will be dethroned by Google. And it will really hurt!

Ethical issues are also important here. Someone has worked or invested to make the website unique. And more humanly speaking – do not do to the other person what you do not like. And you can fall victim to plagiarism, when you have your own beautiful and well-thought-out content.

E. Personalize your message
You can present one message in several different ways. For what? To be sure that your recipient understands you well. Speak the language that will reach him and he will feel at home on your website.

Since you’ve made it to this place with us, it can be assumed that you already know how to write SEO texts. However, to be absolutely sure, we provide examples below.

SEO texts – examples

SEO advertising texts or substantively valuable blog entries must be created in a thoughtful way. As we wrote above, what counts is the appropriate form, length of the entry and the proper use of keywords. What does this mean in practice? How to write SEO texts so that they have “hands and feet” and rank at the top of the search list?

SEO texts from the point of view and … words of a specialist

We asked the boss of all bosses, Head of Copywriting – Amanda Hill

– With a good text (a bon mot) you can make a sensation in the company and join the group, with a good advertising text (claim) – promote the brand and gain customers, with a good SEO text – “tame” Google robots and boost the page in an internet search engine. In the era of gigantic development of e-commerce, this last good is especially important for companies that every day compete for the attention of customers looking for answers to their questions and needs online. Explains Amanda Hill.

SEO copywriting is still considered second-class creative writing. Some, although appreciating his role on the Internet, still accuse him of lack of panache and quality, which, according to them, are characteristic for only creative copywriting (advertising texts, slogans, slogans or product names). This SEO copywriting patch was obtained in the first years of the development of search engines, when websites were equipped with synonymized content that was linguistically and factually poor, aimed solely at stuffing as many of the so-called keywords. Fortunately, this uncontrolled and wild race for visibility in virtual space is over, and with it the era of mediocrity in the area of words posted on the website. Today, entrepreneurs care about the broadly understood image and it is they, next to the creators of modern technological solutions responsible for searching, who demanded quality.

Contemporary SEO copywriting plays a very important role in e-marketing and significantly contributes to the optimization of websites, influencing their visibility and promotion on the web. The text for the home page, categories, product subpages, blog or sponsored article, prepared according to strict SEO principles, is a value that cannot be overestimated.

How to write SEO texts – a summary of the most important rules

If you are still wondering whether it is worth writing SEO texts for your website – the answer is: YES! To serve valuable articles that will be appreciated not only by website visitors, but also by Google robots, focus on quality. In the broad sense of the word.

Ideas for additional content may arise in your head or result from the suggestions of Internet users! Check what topics are hot and what problems your target group is struggling with. Solve them with your entries. Stick a stick in “verbal anthills”, tone down emotions, be intriguing and expressive. Get to know yourself from the best side – literally and figuratively.

In addition to the typical articles that come across your company’s blog, you may be tempted to post:
– industry news with your own comment,
– reports on events, actions or interventions,
– tests and opinions,
– case study.

As you can see – there is a lot to choose from! Whichever form of expression you choose, remember about the visuals. Polish the title, headings (h1, h2, h3…), use keywords and also use those from the “long tail”. In addition, it is necessary to “draw the site map” to make its structure even more transparent for search engines.

Call To Action – like a picture, why is it worth it? Mon, 15 Feb 2021 06:17:13 +0000 Continue readingCall To Action – like a picture, why is it worth it?]]> One of the most important features of marketing texts is the presence of the so-called Call To Action (CTA), i.e. calls to action – most often in the form of a link or a button. What is it, what is it for and how can it increase sales? How to create Call To Action and how to make it effective? Read on to find out!

Call To Action – what is it?

“Check the offer”, “subscribe”, “buy now”, or even “read” used above – what do these expressions have in common? They can all be classified as calls to action, or call to action. These are the key elements of any advertising or promotional campaign. Currently, they are mainly associated with the content presented on the Internet, but they have also been used for years in traditional advertising. Typically, the CTA is designed to guide the user to wherever you want him to go. In the web, it usually takes the form of a button or other active link that directs to the appropriate tab, landing page or store. It sounds like a small matter, but in your CTA marketing efforts, it can make a huge difference. Therefore, it is an obligatory element of every campaign, website or mailing advertisement.

Why is CTA so important?

You might be wondering how it is possible for a simple thing like a call to action to get results. However, experience shows unequivocally that indicating the user what exactly to do creates a much greater chance for him to take action. A CTA can be seen as a signpost that shows exactly where to go and guides the customer along the shopping path. It is this element that often leads to conversion, which is one of the favorite concepts of marketers, meaning the achievement of a specific goal (most often making a purchase, but also e.g. subscribing to a newsletter or submitting an inquiry).

Even if you think that the website is clearly designed and there is simply no chance of getting lost, don’t give up on the CTA. They should appear at every stage of the customer journey to conversion. It is worth choosing them carefully. For example, after adding a product to the cart, you can encourage the user to place an order or continue shopping. The basket itself should also contain clear signposts regarding the transition to the next stages of implementation. They help you avoid confusion and avoid frustrated potential customers leaving your website before converting. It is also worth using CTA to direct internet users to your website – by placing them, for example, in posts on social media or in meta tags. If you haven’t used them before, you’ll definitely notice the difference when you change your strategy!

Why is it worth using Call To Action? In short – because it pays off. Importantly, applying calls to action doesn’t have to be difficult. It is enough to learn a few simple rules that will help to skillfully create them and place them in the right places so that they bring the expected results.

Where to use CTA?

As mentioned, CTA most often takes the form of a button or link. Use a call to action wherever you want to trigger a specific action. It most often appears on websites and in e-mail campaigns. However, it is also worth using them in posts on social media or in the meta description of the page. Call To Action goals may vary. For example:

– getting acquainted with the offer or the price list,
– product purchase,
– subscribing to the newsletter,
– signing up for a course, webinar, etc.,
– file download,
– submitting an inquiry,
– contact with the company,
– filling in a form or questionnaire, etc.

It is not worth counting on the fact that users – without specific encouragement – will understand the intentions of the website creators and meet their expectations. That is why Call To Action is used, which accurately shows the direction of actions and allows you to make a decision automatically. The call-to-action power is quite a lot!

How do you create call to action that work?

Creating a call to action alone is not difficult. However, it is important to use the CTA wisely! Equally important, remember that not all text will always work the same. Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for effective calls to action. The content should always be relevant to the target audience. It is also worth checking their operation, comparing them with other possibilities, in order to choose the best solution. At the outset, however, it is good to know the principles of creating Call To Action, which are primarily effective. What are the rules?

A. Keep your message simple
The best Call To Action are very simple. Some, however, tend to complicate the matter unnecessarily. The wording used as a call for action must be understandable and unambiguous – they should not create any doubts as to what they refer to. Therefore, the button for adding a product to the cart should simply be called “Add to cart”. Then you can encourage the customer to “checkout” or “checkout”. Importantly, in some cases CTA uses 1 person singular, and this can be very beneficial. In the above example, for example, buttons with the words “buy”, and then “pay” or “order” could be used. Extremely simple, and at the same time clear – that is exactly what a CTA should be.

B. Bet on specifics
The enigmatic “move on” or “click” button may not look bad at first glance. For some, it will probably even be intriguing. Usually, however, such CTAs are not effective enough. Increasingly, they also fail to inspire confidence. It is best to inform the user immediately what awaits him after clicking the button. Therefore, you should not be afraid of phrases such as “sign up” or “go to payment”. They are much more understandable and lead to a higher conversion rate.

C. Don’t mention the tasks to be done
Many users are reluctant to move on when receiving a message that suggests a task or strenuous work to be done. An example would be the phrase “fill in the questionnaire” – simple and clear, that’s for sure, but is it encouraging? Who wants to waste their precious time filling out some surveys? However, “take part in the study” sounds much more interesting. It is similar with the sometimes used “provide payment information” – it is associated with some difficult task. Meanwhile, “pay” is not only simpler and shorter, but also does not suggest any need for work. Taking care to simplify the purchasing process as much as possible is very important and allows you to significantly increase the conversion. However, CTAs should also not be forgotten, which can destroy all the effort put into building a simple and friendly website if used inappropriately.

D. Highlight the benefits
This point is somewhat related to the next. Instead of emphasizing the difficulties that may await the internet user in the next step, remind him of the benefits! It is often worth replacing “register” with “try it for free.” In turn, instead of “subscribe to the newsletter” you can again reach for 1 person. l. capacity and use the words “yes, I want to know more about …” or “I want to receive information about promotions”.

What else is worth remembering? A call to action alone won’t do the trick. It should also be enclosed with text that will encourage its implementation. It is worth mentioning the benefits and guarantees. It is also best to create the need to take this step immediately through the applied treatments. Sometimes it may be helpful to emphasize the success so far (eg “join thousands of satisfied customers”).

Not only the content is important – well-exposed Call To Action

Successful Call To Action must combine two aspects – the right content with the right form. Therefore, when you decide what text should be on the button or link, think about how to emphasize it so that it does not remain omitted. In this case, you can also define a certain set of rules, but remember that each situation must be approached individually.

A. Visibility
Your carefully crafted CTA may not be of much use if it is not visible enough. It is unacceptable for the user to scroll the whole page to get to the button. This applies to both websites and mailing campaigns. Ideally, the call to action should be at the top of the message so that it shows up to the user without having to scroll. This is especially important in the case of emails, because it is estimated that 8 out of 10 recipients do not delve into the content of marketing messages, reading them only to the so-called the break line, i.e. the place visible without scrolling the page.

It is worth taking care of visibility by using also color highlight and using a button of the appropriate size. The CTA should be in such a form that the user knows that it is a click. Remember to use the first person singular – it’s a treatment that can often help increase conversion. There should be enough space around the button to make it noticeable.

B. One offer – one CTA
Using multiple CTAs on a single page or promotional e-mail can only create unnecessary confusion. Your message should be clear so that the recipient does not have to think about what to choose and what to click. If he can’t make a decision right away, he won’t move on. Therefore, you should always use only one CTA. However, they can be placed in different places on the website or in the e-mail, so that the potential customer does not have to waste time looking for the button. In most cases, it is even a recommended solution.

C. Don’t extend
Remember that the CTA should be short and unambiguous. The most common requests are those with only 2 – 4 words. If you have more content to submit, place it above the button – Call To Action should only be about what awaits the user after proceeding. Usually, however, it is better to avoid hackneyed and overly general phrases (such as “check” or “click here”) that don’t say much.

D. Check Links!
Finally, a small but extremely important point – there is nothing worse than a CTA leading to an invalid or non-existent subpage. Therefore, always check the operation of the links before launching a website or sending marketing messages.

Effective Call To Action – How To Check It?

It’s important to keep an open mind to create effective calls to action. Even if you think that the applied treatment looks great and will certainly be effective, it may turn out otherwise in practice. Therefore, it is a good idea to prepare several CTA variants and monitor their effectiveness. How to do it? One of the easiest ways is to check your Click Through Rate (CTR). It tells you how many of those who saw the offer decided to click on the link in it. So if out of 100 people who visited the website (or out of 100 sent emails), 5 click on the link, the CTR will be 5%. Constant monitoring of this indicator can tell a lot about both the selection of Call To Action and the structure of the offer itself.

Dropshipping – what is it? Dropshipping rules Mon, 18 Jan 2021 06:37:11 +0000 Continue readingDropshipping – what is it? Dropshipping rules]]> Running an online store seems to be so-called nowadays. golden business. More and more people are eager to buy online, and the e-commerce market in the world is not yet saturated. However, many avid businessmen are deterred by the need to make significant investments in order to purchase goods that can then be displayed in a store. However, there is a method to set up a store without a lot of capital – it’s dropshipping.

What is dropshipping?

Dropshipping is slowly becoming a very popular concept and more and more people are looking for detailed information on this topic. It is a specific logistics model used for online sales. It consists in transferring the responsibility for the entire shipping process to the supplier. This means that the online store does not have its own goods and its own warehouses, but only cooperates with an external company that carries out orders transferred to it. Some of the benefits of such a solution are obvious – no storage costs and no need to invest in goods (which may or may not sell), so much lower financial risk. In addition, the transfer of logistics to an external entity makes running a business much easier. Of course, that doesn’t mean dropshipping has only advantages.

Advantages of dropshipping

It cannot be concealed – dropshipping is a very tempting solution that greatly simplifies the process of running an online store and allows you to start earning money on your own account very quickly. You can list many advantages of the system. What kind?

Own business without a lot of capital
Setting up a company usually requires some investments, and in the case of a store they are significant – you need the entire infrastructure to handle orders, as well as the goods and the idea for an online store. Meanwhile, dropshipping allows you to “cut” most of the costs of the project. The only expenses you have to bear at the beginning are those related to the operation of the store’s website and shipping. This means that basically anyone can afford such a business. Moreover, the lack of significant expenses means you can quickly see a return on your investment and start enjoying your profits.

Running your business from anywhere
An online store run in a standard way gives the owner a lot of freedom, but not entirely. It is necessary, among others having a stationary warehouse where goods are stored and where orders are completed and prepared for shipment. Dropshipping is a model that offers much more freedom. You don’t have to have a warehouse that requires inspection at least from time to time. This means you can just work from home and earn money without leaving your home. A trip to another city or even a country is not a problem either. You just need a good internet connection to control your business all the time.

Less responsibilities, less responsibility
By running your own online store in the dropshipping model, you are mainly responsible for collecting orders, acquiring customers and maintaining relationships with them. If the e-shop is integrated with a wholesaler, the inventory and prices are updated automatically. Many companies also offer after-sales service (i.e. primarily returns and complaints). Therefore, the scope of your duties and responsibilities is limited. This means more private life and less stress.

A simple way to do business
The traditional model of running a store also requires much broader knowledge, for example about the logistics process. In addition, it is usually necessary to hire workers, which can also be a challenge. People without experience often find it difficult to enter this world without help. Meanwhile, dropshipping, taking off the most onerous duties from the store owner, means that almost everyone can set up an e-store.

Offer flexibility
If you invest in a commodity, not only do you freeze a large amount of cash, but you also run the risk of it not selling. In the dropshipping model, you can quickly change the assortment if the current one is not popular enough. This flexibility also allows you to adapt to current trends and thus maximize sales. Currently, wholesalers offering cooperation on the basis of dropshipping offer a very wide selection of products from various departments. This in turn increases your options for action.

Fast service = satisfied customer
Reputable dropshipping wholesalers work very efficiently, preparing the order immediately after receiving it. This allows you to offer your customers fast delivery and thus increase their satisfaction!

The disadvantages of dropshipping and the risks associated with operating in this model

As mentioned at the beginning, however, dropshipping also has some downsides like any other business model. However, it is worth knowing that some of them can be minimized or even eliminated. What problems can owners of e-shops operating on the basis of dropshipping face?

Less control over the business
By delegating much of your duties and responsibilities to an external party, you also lose some control over the business. It is the wholesaler who decides how your goods will be packed, shipped and delivered, and you have no right to question it. Therefore, before choosing a partner, you should always carefully check these issues and the rules of customer service (including the return or complaint policy). These are factors that significantly affect the image of the store. If you care about good customer relations (and this is the basis for satisfactory sales results), you cannot ignore it.

Big competition
The numerous advantages of dropshipping and the low entry threshold mean that there are more and more stores operated in this model. Wholesalers also have a limited (though diverse) range. So it’s almost certain that no matter what you choose to sell, someone is already doing it. This in turn means that in order to grab some of the market for yourself, you will have to differentiate yourself. Don’t forget – even a seemingly simple business, such as an e-shop based on dropshipping, requires inventiveness and an entrepreneur’s instinct.

Low margins
Strong competition often also means low margins. Thus, generating a reasonable profit requires obtaining good sales results. However, it is worth knowing that the amount of the margin largely depends on the type of goods offered. There are industries where it is quite high.

Problems with order fulfillment
It happens that cooperation with a wholesaler is not as smooth as you might want and expect. Sometimes the system fails and the goods shown in the store as available are in fact out of stock. Other times, the order fulfillment time may be longer due to the order queue. However, you can partially protect yourself against this by concluding an appropriate contract with the supplier.

Unclear return and complaint policy
If the company and warehouse data are different, this may mislead customers who want to make a complaint or legally return the goods. Therefore, you need to remember to put transparent information on the store’s website about where the unwanted product can be sent to. The problem can also be solved by adding ready-made returns forms to the packages.

Insufficient knowledge of the goods
The dropshipping model allows you to sell any goods. Which means that sometimes you can start operating in an industry that you don’t know well. This, in turn, can become a problem when you start getting detailed questions about specific goods or their parameters. Customers also often expect professional advice on the selection of a product from the store. The solution is to limit yourself to operating in the industry you know or to carefully read the elements of the offer, e.g. by ordering samples from the supplier.

Duplicate content
When running a dropshipping store, you can often become a victim of duplicate content, i.e. duplicate content, which results in a lower position of the store in Google search results. Therefore, never rely on copied product descriptions! Prepare your own and it will pay off for sure.

Dropshipping – how to start?

Nowadays, starting a business in the dropshipping model is quite easy, because there are many wholesalers serving customers in this way in the global market. First, however, you need to create your own trading platform. There are many solutions available that operate on a variety of principles. They differ primarily in the possibilities and costs of setting up and running a store. That is why it is worth carefully analyzing the available options to choose the right one right away.

You can create the store yourself, which is very easy, especially in the case of some platforms, or you can commission it to an external company. Note that the latter will usually produce a more professional effect, but will be more expensive. In each case, attention should be paid to the possibility and method of integrating the platform with solutions for dropshipping.

Choosing wholesalers for dropshipping

Subsequently, you can choose a key partner for your dropshipping business, i.e. wholesalers. There are currently many possibilities in this regard. However, be careful as not every wholesaler offers the same conditions to its partners. What to pay attention to? What to ask? The most important issues that should interest you are:

– shipping costs,
– available forms of delivery,
– the possibility of linking product categories between the wholesaler and the store,
– automatic updating of inventory and availability,
– additional fees for providing photos or product descriptions,
– method of packing goods for shipment,
– the ability to attach personalized extras to shipments – e.g. advertising materials, discount codes, gifts,
– minimum order amount,
– the company’s return and complaint policy (including the cost of returning the goods by the customer),
– first orders must be paid in advance (some wholesalers have to do so).

It’s a good idea to check the reviews of the company before deciding on their services or, if possible, try the advice of other shop owners on dropshipping. It is especially worth checking forums, blogs and groups on Facebook, where you can often find a lot of useful information.

When signing a contract with a wholesaler, make sure that all the previously discussed issues are included in it. If you use a special platform, read its terms and conditions. This is because creating an account means its acceptance.

Dropshipping – is it worth it?

Summarizing: is it worth “playing” in dropshipping? The answer, of course, is not clear cut. However, you should bear in mind that, contrary to what you may read in some articles or websites, this is certainly not a “golden deal” that will help you get rich effortlessly. Running a store is always a job that requires time, knowledge and often sacrifice. It should be remembered that due to the nature of the dropshipping model, obtaining high earnings is possible only if you achieve very good sales results. This, in turn, most often means the need to actively acquire customers, conduct advanced marketing activities and care for the highest level of service, including communication with consumers. You will probably need to invest in positioning (so that customers can reach your store at all), marketing or creating an attractive and functional website. It all takes resources.

It is worth noting, however, that dropshipping is an opportunity to create a business from almost nothing and helps to significantly minimize the risk of starting a store. The model also allows you to easily examine the demand for specific products. If used properly, it can turn out to be very effective, as proven by numerous stores operating in this way. Is this a solution for you? You have to judge for yourself!

User Generated Content for newbies Mon, 12 Oct 2020 05:29:53 +0000 Continue readingUser Generated Content for newbies]]> In the past, in the world of marketing, the sender of the advertisement spoke and the recipients listened. Today, the relationship between sellers and buyers has changed dramatically. Thanks to the Internet, we said goodbye to the imbalance in the communication pattern. The monologues were replaced by dialogues, and what the client says has become sacred. Why? Because User Generated Content pays off. What is more exactly and how to use this tool in your marketing strategy?

What is User Generated Content?

This is content created voluntarily by users, not by brands. They can take various forms: from various types of texts, through photos, to video materials. According to the definition, they must be at least partially creative. And… that’s about it when it comes to the concept of User Generated Content (UGC). So as you can see, it’s a very broad definition.

What forms can the UGC take?

User-generated content can take many forms. The most typical ones include:
– posts in social media – e.g. comments under brand entries on their fan pages, reviews or creative responses to marketing communication,
– entries on internet forums,
– reviews on review websites,
– vlogs,
blog entries on topics related to a given brand.

Thus, they can be all kinds of forms of Internet users’ expression, which are somehow related to brand communication.

Why is User Generated Content profitable?

Take a moment to think: how do you make purchasing decisions? What works more for you: an ad that promises you that product X is the best in the world? Or maybe a user’s comment on the brand’s fanpage or on the portal with opinions, reliably indicating the advantages and disadvantages of a given solution? What is more reliable for you? What content are you looking for? This is why UGC is so important. Below we present the most important advantages of this type of content.

As research shows, 92% of people are inclined to believe the opinion they hear from a person they know, and as many as 70% consider the opinions on the Internet to be credible. What does it mean? A genuine message from a “normal user”, not a marketer, is much more credible than an advertisement.

Who else believes that the ads present a true picture of reality? The traditional ones are widely recognized as sweet and exaggerating the benefits of the products. No wonder – it is part of their “poetics”. But how with authenticity? This one is much bigger in reviews and other product content that users create. Hence the popularity of photo sets in the style of “expectations vs. reality”, where the photographs from promotional materials are compared with those made after the purchase of the product (e.g. a hamburger in a chain store or online clothes). Hence, more and more ranges are building blogs with reviews and channels of this type on YouTube.

Huge influence on customer purchasing decisions
User-generated content can be the proverbial last straw – the element that will push the customer towards the checkout process. This is highly likely, especially if it belongs to the target of the brand and is initially interested in a given product. This is also confirmed by research – as many as 80% of respondents agree that the UGC has a significant influence on decisions regarding the purchase of specific products.

Support for image-building activities
UGC can fulfill all functions related to building a brand image – it informs about its existence, arouses interest in products, creates positive associations and builds a strong bond between the consumer and the company. These relationships are not purely “business” – especially since a lot of user-generated content is generated by emotions (both positive and negative!). So they build long-term commitment.

The foundation of inbound marketing
… and therefore “inbound marketing” – a model in which customers come to the company themselves and create hype around it. It is a much more effective form of acquiring a permanent group of recipients – those who are faithful and come back again and again, attracting new customers.

Relatively low cost
In the case of UCG, it is difficult to clearly estimate the expenses that must be incurred to generate interest in the products and the willingness to share related content. Other expenses were incurred by, for example, Coca-Cola, creating beverage packages with personalized labels that very quickly became online and offline stars, and another company that created a simple Instagram contest. One thing is certain: skillfully (and honestly!), A casted rod will produce a response and will bring profits in the short or long term.

Strengthening SEO activities
In the world of positioning “content is the king”. However, not the first better content, but one that has real value for users. Google’s algorithms no longer focus solely on the number of repeating keywords in the content. Yes, it is still important, but not the most important. Currently, naturalness, user-friendliness and usefulness of the content count. Therefore, if, for example, users post links to a brand’s products on their profiles in social media or blogs, the chances of a higher position on the ranking list increase significantly.

A great source of feedback
The goal of each company is to create products that will be willingly bought by customers from a specific segment. And it’s not you, but your recipients know what they expect. Yes, you can try to create their needs and point to available solutions. But you also need to listen to the feedback received, and not only to your praise, but most of all to your criticism. The UGC is a good source of such information. Often, it is in the comments and reviews that you can find valuable suggestions that allow you to change your operating strategy for a better one for customers and for the company.

This shortened list of benefits that can be drawn from User Generated Content shows that it is worth taking care of its creation.

How to build User Generated Content?

At first glance, this question – in the context of the definition of UGC – may seem bizarre to you. After all, it’s about content that is created by the users themselves, isn’t it? Yes, but… not really. You need to create an atmosphere that will be an impulse to share impressions / experiences and thoughts.

Think for a moment: what products would you be willing to tell your friends about? What do you recommend them? In what situations do you want to take the time to prepare a review of the hotel where you happened to be? There must be specific emotions associated with these experiences.

Also remember that people who will be willing to create a UGC are a very diverse group. It will include both those who will share only negative feelings – in order to complain, and those who want to present their assessment to the “whole world”. There will also be those who will simply offer advice, e.g. in a Facebook group or on a thematic forum. Some of them can be encouraged to create a UGC, some will motivate themselves.

But how can you influence the frequency of UGC generation?

Contests in social media
It’s a simple way to add hype to your brand. Prepare a competition for users in which you will offer them valuable prizes, e.g. for preparing a short post related to your products. You can also reward them for writing the most interesting review, creating a photo related to the imposed topic, short story, poem … The more creativity you unleash, the better the entertainment. Sometimes the opportunity to read and see the products of others becomes a greater reward than the material ones!

Encourage to leave a review
Until some time ago, it was mainly a solution recommended for online stores – here customer opinions have long been more important than the lowest prices. Today, however, e.g. due to the way the opinion system on Google works, Internet users are looking for reviews of almost everything. Starting from restaurants and bars, through entertainment points, offices, shops, to tourist places. That is why it is worth encouraging your customers to leave a review. How? You can simply ask them for it – for example, by handing out a leaflet encouraging them to rate them or by sending an email with a suggestion. You can also offer an additional incentive, for example in the form of a discount on subsequent purchases.

Warning! Don’t just reward those who leave the maximum rating and delighted reviews! Let us say it again: honesty and authenticity are the secret of the power of User Generated Content.

An offensive post on social media
If you have a large enough social media followers base, asking an interesting, offensive question will be a straightforward way to get a huge amount of user-generated content.

Sometimes a simple question about how their day is going is enough. In other situations – a serious question for an opinion on a matter related to the brand’s activity. But be careful! Such discussions can get hot! Therefore, moderation is needed. Don’t forget: “moderation” does not mean deleting unfavorable comments, but e.g. reacting to hate messages and answering questions that will be asked of you!

Interacting on social media channels
On your social media profiles, comments may appear regarding the experience of working with the brand or a specific situation that caused emotions in the user. You cannot leave them unanswered – just like those relating directly to the post.

What are the answers that generate the UGC? They contain open-ended questions – ask and encourage recipients to “open up”. It is also worth choosing a looser style of communication – especially in response to negative comments. If you approach them with a grain of salt – your answers will become the subject of discussion by themselves. And that’s the point!

What to avoid when creating a UGC?

There are many ways you can inspire your audience to create content related to your brand. Remember! You have to do it in a thoughtful way. Avoid:
over-encouraging commenting and sharing – if it appears too often and too intrusively, it will discourage more than encourage creativity and interaction,
artificial “crowd-making” – yes, you can think about subtle moderation of the discussion, but it is not worth doing it incognito. It is definitely better to communicate openly and honestly on behalf of the brand (or through its ambassadors) than to pretend to be ordinary users. False notes will be quickly detected, and the action will lead to defeat, not victory,
publishing UGC without the consent of the creator – for example, if you receive an e-mail with a positive opinion about the company, before making it public, ask if you can do it. The same applies to creative works sent to competitions and other corporate events. Ask for permission to publish, preferably in writing, and only then brag about what you got,
creating campaigns aimed at building User Generated Content among people outside your target group and in a style that does not match your brand – after all, the ultimate goal of such communication is to build a specific image among specific recipients.
