Rephraser online – Paraphrase Online Creative Writing Blog Wed, 13 Apr 2022 06:08:24 +0000 en hourly 1 The best marketing tools Mon, 24 Jan 2022 06:30:01 +0000 Continue readingThe best marketing tools]]> Effective marketing activities often require a lot of work of a whole team of specialists. Running a website and profiles on social media, advertising on Google and social media, contact with influencers, journalists, organizing promotional events, website positioning, creating landing pages for offers, monitoring the brand image on the web – these are just some of the activities that must take on a marketer today. To be effective in all of these areas, you need not only knowledge, but also the right marketing tools. Here is a list of those that will be most useful when promoting your brand.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool that allows you to track the effectiveness of online activities. Thanks to it, you can find out which subpages of the website are most frequently visited, what are the sources of traffic on the website, where conversions come from and what our audience looks like. Google Analytics allows you to create personalized reports that make measuring the effectiveness of your marketing activities quick and easy. It is a free tool, and in order to use it, you just need to implement a special tracking code on your website. However, it is worth knowing that while the monitoring of the effects is simple, the correct definition of reports and setting the tool requires a lot of knowledge and experience. Therefore, when starting your activities in Google Analytics, it is worth reading the guide on the tool or taking a course on its use.

Google Tag Manager

It is also a free tool provided by the giant from Mountain View. It is used to manage tags on the website. It is enough to implement the GTM tag in the code of your website, and we will be able to easily add all other scripts using this tool. This is a great solution, because adding tags directly on the page is a burden and slows down, and additionally increases the risk of incorrect implementation. Google Tag Manager is also helpful when making changes to the website, switching to a different CMS or changing the website template. In this case, we do not have to manually paste all scripts into the code – after adding the GTM script, all tags implemented there will still collect data correctly. We wrote more about this tool in the article Google Tag Manager – what is it?

Google Trends

From the Google Trends tool, we can find out what are the interests of Internet users from all over the world. After entering a specific query, we can observe trends for a given password over the last hours, days, months or even years. The tool shows the level of interest broken down into specific countries or search languages. Thanks to this, we can determine what interests our recipients to create interesting content or advertising campaigns tailored to their needs.

Google Search Console

This is another free website monitoring tool. Here we can check what external and internal links are associated with the site, track website traffic and domain visibility for individual keywords. Here, too, we can check if subpages are indexed by search engine robots and see a list of broken links on the page. It is also a place where we get information from Google about possible viruses on the website or penalties imposed for unfair positioning practices.


Canva is an easy-to-use graphic design tool for your website, social media, advertising and promotional materials (flyers, vouchers, posters, etc.). It includes ready-made templates to use, but also allows you to create your own designs based on available shapes, photos, graphics and fonts. Canva also allows you to create collaborative spaces for your team, so multiple people can work on the same project and access it from anywhere and on any device. The basic version of the program is free, but you have to pay for premium access with more features and templates.


This marketing tool is used to monitor your brand on the web. It collects information about all mentions about it on news portals, blogs, forums and social media. Thanks to this, you can control what users think about the company, quickly react to possible crises and shape the brand image. It is mainly of PR importance, but it also allows, for example, to establish a dialogue with recipients. When you see a mention of a company on the web, you can leave a comment on the website or join a discussion, gaining a chance to attract users to your website.


Ahrefs is a website positioning tool. In addition, however, it also allows, for example, to study the profile of external links and measure its strength. Thanks to this, you can find out how effective the so-called off-site SEO, i.e. activities taken outside the website. The Keyword Explorer, the keyword search engine with the greatest potential, is very well polished. Using Ahrefs, we can also check, for example, which keywords are visible on individual blog entries of the competition in order to fight it for a position in the ranking.

Answer the Public

Answer the Public is a tool thanks to which we can find keywords related to any phrase. The program will show us in which contexts a given query is used, which can be helpful, for example, when creating blog entries. It is not quite as advanced as Ahrefs, but it is worth mentioning as it allows free searches for a certain number of queries per day.

Newsletter tools

The company’s marketing tools should also include a newsletter creation program. We will not discuss them in detail here, as we did it in a separate post. It is worth mentioning here, however, that these are programs in which you can gather contacts and schedule the sending of messages with a very high acceptance rate (i.e. e-mails go to the main mailbox). Many of these tools provide templates that make your messages visually appealing and aesthetically pleasing. The most popular newsletter programs on the market include Mailer Lite, MailChimp, GetResponse and FreshMail.

Facebook Audience Insights

It is a free tool provided by Facebook, thanks to which we can get to know our audience. We can find out who the people interested in a given subject are, how old they are, where they live, what they like to do in their free time, how they behave on the Internet and many other things. Knowing this, we create content better suited to the needs of our target group – we know what problems they have and how our product or service can solve them.


Influtool is a tool designed for brands that would like to cooperate with influencers. It allows you to get to know celebrities in a given field, as well as check the effectiveness of their activities on the Internet, including reach, impact on recipients, advertising potential and history of cooperation with brands (e.g. whether the influencer undertook activities with a competing brand). Thanks to this program, we can easily check whether cooperation with a specific person has a chance to bring profits and the desired publicity. Influtool takes into account activities on blogs and in the most popular social media, including Facebook, YouTube and TikTok.


WhitePress is, in turn, a platform that facilitates the acquisition of articles on external portals, thanks to which we increase brand recognition and obtain valuable external links. It acts as an intermediary between the ordering party and publishing houses, which significantly simplifies the process of buying sponsored articles, even on large, well-known portals. Through WhitePress, you can order the publication of an already written text or order the creation of an entry on a given topic.


It is a multifunctional tool with which you can automate many company processes. It is also a database of contacts and a system for managing them, a space for delegating tasks to colleagues, and additionally improves marketing activities. With it, you can create newsletters, plan and publish posts in social media, design landing pages, forms, CTA buttons or create personas. It is impossible to list all the possibilities of Hubspot here, so we refer to the article entirely devoted to this tool.

Social media planning tools

We have also described these types of marketing tools in detail in a separate entry. In short, however, it can be said that they are used to manage profiles on social media from one application. This way, we can easily publish posts in several places at the same time, create schedules for different platforms and respond to messages and comments from users from any medium. Thanks to this, our activities are better synchronized, and we have easier contact with users of all social media. Tools of this type include, among others, Hootsuite, Postplanner or NapoleonCat.

Webinar platforms

If we decide to create webinars for our audience, we will also need a program to support it. Thanks to such platforms, we can host webinars on various platforms, register attendees, send reminder emails, promote the event and store recordings for later playback. Some platforms also allow you to create paid events for which you can pay by card or PayPal. We can create webinars using tools such as ClickMeeting, GetResponse or GoToWebinar. We describe the programs in more detail in the article: Webinar Creation Tools.

What is the difference between copywriting and content marketing? Thu, 21 Oct 2021 05:33:58 +0000 Continue readingWhat is the difference between copywriting and content marketing?]]> If you want to increase brand awareness and at the same time build greater reach on the Internet, you need valuable content. Thanks to it, you will reach potential customers with the right message, which will translate into the goals you set. And it is at this stage that the question arises: to focus on copywriting or to decide on content marketing?

Valuable content that meets the needs of users and encourages them to take advantage of the offer – such texts are the basis of activities on the Internet. Their quality largely determines the behavior of the consumer and the extent to which they contribute to generating profits for the brand. That is why it is so important to focus on effective copywriting. However, often the content itself is not enough to be able to reach a much wider group of users. This is where content marketing comes in.

Copywriting – what is it?

Copywriting is nothing but writing texts. However, it is not only about creating “art for art” content, but providing valuable content – one that will convince the recipient, e.g. to perform a specific action.

Effective copywriting should be directed to the needs of modern users – taking into account their behavior. Therefore, the creation of texts should be based on the principles of verbal persuasion. At the same time, the content should be original and inventive – so that it stays in your memory for a long time and does not constitute intrusive advertising. It is worth being aware that consumers are more and more often distancing themselves from standard forms of advertising – those which, in a way, encourage them to take advantage of the offer.

Copywriting includes creating, among others:
– texts for advertising materials, e.g. leaflets,
– advertising slogans, e.g. for flags,
– texts for radio and TV spots,
– texts for company websites,
– thematic articles,
– including blog articles,
– sales (persuasive) texts,
– e-books,
– content for e-mail marketing,
– content for online stores.

All texts – regardless of their purpose – should meet several important features. Among them, the following are mentioned:
– uniqueness and ingenuity,
– reliance on persuasion techniques, e.g. the AIDA model
– application of a call to action (CTA),
– targeting the needs of a potential customer,
– correctness in terms of language, spelling, etc.

SEO copywriting deserves special attention – writing texts that are attractive to the user, and at the same time meet the expectations of Google robots. A skillful combination of both guidelines allows you to get engaging content that helps you achieve higher positions in search results. This is important because Internet users are much more likely to click on links appearing on the first pages of the search engine, completely rejecting the content of links in distant positions.

Texts created in accordance with the principles of SEO copywriting should:
– carry high quality – be substantive and valuable,
– take into account the needs and expectations of recipients,
be 100% unique – which allows you to avoid the phenomenon of duplicate content,
– be length-optimized,
– contain relevant keywords – maintaining naturalness,
– be properly formatted (headings, bullets) – for better readability and clarity.

The application of the above principles helps to gain higher positions in the Google search engine (however, it is worth being aware that the activities related to positioning have a much wider scope).

What else to remember? Both in the case of classic copywriting and SEO copywriting, there is no room for duplicating content. Copying texts from other websites is not only unethical, but also adversely affects your position in the Google search engine. That is why it is so important to provide original content – tailored to the needs of a specific target group.

Content marketing – what is it?

Content marketing is a wide-ranging activity based on delivering valuable content through various channels. It is an alternative to traditional forms of advertising, which do not fully meet the expectations of a modern consumer. Content marketing activities are in a way a response to the needs of a customer who does not like to be persuaded to buy, but prefers to make an informed and (in his opinion) decision.

The great advantage of content marketing over other forms of advertising is the variety of tools used. This allows for carrying out activities that meet the needs of specific consumer groups very well.

Below we present some of the most popular elements of content marketing.

Articles for external publication
Articles published on external websites help build greater reach. They allow you to reach even more potential customers. The advantage of thematic articles, e.g. sponsored ones, is also the possibility of enhancing the image of an expert.

Company blog
Running a company blog fits perfectly into the content marketing strategy. It helps in generating more traffic to the website and also helps to increase brand awareness.

Sometimes images can convey more than words and are remembered more easily. Therefore, as part of content marketing activities, you can also publish infographics, which are also a powerful viral marketing tool.

Webinars are nothing more than online conferences and seminars – the perfect solution for modern times. It allows not only to provide relevant information, but also to conduct a dialogue with a potential client.

E-books / Trendbooks etc.
Publication of e-books – available for download, e.g. after logging in or leaving your data – supports content marketing activities and at the same time helps in obtaining leads.

Copywriting and content marketing – the most important difference

Knowing the definition of copywriting and knowing what content marketing is related to, it is easy to identify the differences between them. Generally speaking: writing texts is the basis of conducted activities in the field of content marketing. It can therefore be said that copywriting is a tool that provides valuable content. And content marketing is activities related to the distribution, collection and formation of existing content, but also the generation of new ideas related to content (including graphics).

Important synergy of activities

Effective content marketing cannot exist without good copywriting, which is why synergy of activities plays a key role. Even the best developed strategy will not bring the expected results if it does not take into account the provision of good-quality content – regardless of its form, type and purpose.

A well-written text – perfectly matching the needs and expectations of potential customers, and at the same time meeting the SEO principles – is the foundation of modern marketing activities on the Internet. Skillful selection of words that create unobtrusive advertising messages and their proper distribution – it is worth taking care of if you want to reach a wider group of users and achieve your business goals step by step.

Why is it worth to bet on content marketing?

Although copywriting can “live its own life”, it is not worth giving up content marketing. A properly planned strategy helps to achieve huge benefits.

Reaching a wider group of potential customers
By limiting yourself to publishing valuable content on your own website, you are narrowing your reach. Meanwhile, content marketing activities help you reach a much wider audience who may be interested in your offer.

The ability to increase conversion
The systematic publishing of articles on the blog helps to increase the conversion, but not as much as the conducted marketing activities. By distributing content in various channels, you have great chances not only for increased website traffic, but also a real improvement in sales or generating leads.

Increasing customer engagement
A more engaged recipient is a loyal and faithful customer who will keep coming back. Content marketing helps you achieve this goal – by constantly delivering valuable content posted on various channels.

Strengthening brand awareness
Properly conducted content marketing activities make more people know about your company. Their brand associated with specific products or services appears more and more often in their minds. This, in turn, increases the chances of acquiring new customers.

Building the image of an expert
Thanks to content marketing, you strengthen brand awareness and at the same time build the image of an expert. A variety of high-quality content helps in this – blog articles, articles on external industry websites, giving expert statements, organizing webinars, etc. By becoming an expert in the eyes of customers, you increase trust in the company. Thanks to this, more people will want to use your offer.

SEO activities support
Good-quality texts – regardless of their form – are welcomed by Google. Thanks to them, you can reach higher positions in the search results. Therefore, the content distributed as part of content marketing can be used to support SEO activities – especially positioning. The texts are an additional place to insert keywords, they help build a link profile of the domain, etc.

As statistics show, up to 95% of buyers gain trust in the brand thanks to content. Good-quality copywriting combined with content marketing activities help achieve the set goal.

Do you want to take advantage of the possibilities of content marketing? Bet on cooperation with an experienced agency that will develop a strategy that translates into advertising success.
